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Memory Usage


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When you view Task Manager using Control+Alt+Delete it will take you out of the game and minimize it. If you have a second monitor, you can put the Task Manager there instead so you can always monitor it. For me, Skyrim usually uses up around 900 MB of RAM, and I'm running the game on low settings, high textures.
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Logitech keyboards like the G510 have a built in memory/cpu utilisation monitor display on their keyboards - it is really handy, I have mine modified to display the temperatures of my computer components.



Are you not able to use your volume controle on the G510 keyboard? I've been plagued with this issue since day 1, and posts on the logitech / bethesda forums have resulted in a complete LACK of response from ANY moderators / community leaders...


It'd be interesting to see if you have this problem as well...

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