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Urgent help needed! Playing SE on XB1. Collision detection is broken in my game now.


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So I've been playing the SE on XB1 using mods, things have been great...until today when I downloaded the polymorphing mod. Sounded cool, become anything? Sign me up! Wrong! It doesn't work. When I use the power it basically transports me to a first person view up in the sky and doesn't let me move. I figured, eh, maybe I need to use it inside. Well I use it there and it turns me into a bear, and I was like...cool. Until I realized that I was being attacked by unseen enemies. I died, and promptly deleted the mod. But...when I reloaded my game it appears that across all saves and characters my collision detection is broken. I cannot walk on the ground.


However, I can do just about anything else. I can walk up into the sky as if pulled on invisible ropes, I can walk through walls, floors, mountains, anything. I'm at a loss for what to do, since this Is XB1 I do not have access to console commands to fix collision detection. I've uninstalled the mods I put in today...nothing is helping


:sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:

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