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HELP! wont give me connection option when doing power setup


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Just as you read...


Ive setup 16 settlement mods and this is the first time ive seen something similar..


All data etc done exactly the same as all ways .


It starts fine and gives me 50 happiness etc..


I setup beds ,defense and when i get to the power and gen etc.. it allows me to place anything power related but i dont get any option to connect in my menu ("press space to attach wire ".


Could it be the location?? Ive built a huge 6 cell monster at the north west borders of the map ( behind vault 111 and the cells are border to the red zone .


I cant even begin to imagine what could be the issue. Ive tried it on several saves but all ways the same...


Ive checked everything twice and now im gonna re-do the data but move the markers to another cell to see if it helps...


Also note this area had ZERO markers of any kind...it was clean as possible .

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Power connection if your talking about connecting a generator to splines to conduit to spline and so on is bugged in the CKit. You can force it in xEdit but the splines will never properly connect.


It seems it was something cut from the Ckit we were given.

I think you misunderstood mate.. http://prntscr.com/d5er1c

I dont get the "press xxxxx to attach wire" option in build mode after ive placed a gen and something that needs power like a lightbulb or beacon etc... It only has the scrap,select etc.. stuff..

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Just checked another settlement and i had the same issue there until i UN-installed the mod... So its something that effects my game globaly



Obviously it has zero to do with the location or settlement data...


I have to remove EVERYTHING thats related to power or terminals etc... and any scripts... until i find it... I may as well make the whole 6 cells of building into one scol and go place it somewhere else and start over .


85 hours of work...omg im gonna cry

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