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TIL: Using the console to save in Survival mode bugs food


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So, I love just about everything about Survival mode but find the lack of a save feature absolutely obnovious, especially since I'm playing with added difficulty mods like Loot Overhaul. I was considering using the 'Survival Quick Save' mod which looks just like what I need, but a lot of comments on the mod says that after recent patches, the saves break after a while.


For that reason, I've been using the console to save the game. However, when you save with the console - or load a save created by the console - food suddenly restores HP (which it should only do on non-survival difficulties). Everything else seems to be working just fine - I'm 15 hours into the game and haven't seen other non-survival behaviour.


If you make an exit save or a normal save from a Bed, you can load that and all values are back to normal - food no longer restores HP. But save with the console or load a console save again, and food restores HP once more.


I wish there was an option to just turn on normal saving so I could have all the difficulty of Survival without the shitty backtracking :sad:

Edited by Grunker
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I've been using Survival Menu Save Enable since release and I've never had a problem with it. You can just save the game normally.


Thanks! Yesterday another forum pointed me to this mod:




It enables Quick Save without the need for an item and has a build-in game balance tool in that it reduces your adrenaline every time you save and you can't save in combat

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