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Dark brotherhood outfits for Nazir and child clothing


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I have a deep love for the dark brotherhood since oblivion, but the armor in skyrim was terrible, i already solved this going with a replacer called Arise, i was pleased to find that it changed the outfit for all my dark brothers and sisters... except Nazir, I know he is wearing the hammerfell armor and it quite suits him, but i want the outfit he wears to be a little bit... better, ya know not blurry and such



also any suggestions for child clothes? I use rustic children but i do switch to TK children from time to time, so i was wondering if there are any good child clothes retextures or replacers? or at least make their current clothes... easier.. to look at (i swear i look at them and i get the beginnings of a headache; shame on you bethesda!) bashing bethesda for preferring to make my headaches my new acquaintance, I actually like all the other things you can give to your children (already got the dolls covered) now i need the clothes, and more sweets n toys i can give to my kids, I am a very spoiling type of parent but that does not mean i tolerate my children calling someone a mammoth nose... I will not be responsible for the giants attacking the house because they hurt their mammoths feelings lol


anyway any suggestions for any of these?


(side note: any suggestions for removing the 'stupid dog' remarks? or maybe increase the chance of my kids bringing home their own pets? it was quite funny when my mother saw me playing and my daughter asked if she could keep the skeever xD)



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