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Amazing Mod Idea


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I had a problem like this when I released my mod, "Sounds of Nature - Water". It turned out that it was a high bitrate causing the problem. Also, if you put a stereo sound where there should be a mono sound it will also cause problems, and vise versa. I know that sound you are trying to replace, because I'm doing a dungeon sound overhaul, and it's a stereo sound, so make sure it's a true stereo sound. That's if it's the "machine" file in dungeons/dwemer. Use Audacity to export your file, because I've found that it's the most reliable way to export files when it comes to free software. Also, I'm not sure why you need to have a 3 minute long sound put into the game. Some sounds in the game loop as it is, and if it doesn't loop, it probably won't be a sound that you can replace, and have it play the way you want with this chant. I've been doing sound design for 4 1/2 years, but I'm not much of a computer programmer at all. So I may not have said anything useful, because my knowledge is limited when implementing sounds into a program. Try shortening the sound. Like I said, Skyrim has a great way of taking new sounds and looping them properly, but it's real picky about what kinds of sounds it takes. Maybe you could send me the file, and let me know the location of the crash and I might be able to work something out.
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Wow thanks, man. Well, I've been doing sound and music production for almost 8 years, so I'd say we're both experienced. What I'm not experienced in is Skyrim modding, hence the issues. So, my file is basically identical to the vanilla file in all its properties, besides length and the encoding program (Skyrim used Sony Sound Forge 9.0). The reason it's 3 minutes long is because it includes the entire Sovngarde Chant song. I actually encoded with FL Studio, which is the program I used to manipulate the Chant music to make it sound like it was coming from deeeeeep within the ruins. I'm going to try and run it through Audacity like you said and see if that somehow fixes the problem.


I'll upload the pre-Audacity file to Box.net and give you the link, and also the location I was attempting this in was Alftand, a little southwest of Winterhold.

Edited by OrphenFire
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How about a mod that just adds more music in general (appropriate music of course, no wubstep)


There already is one... or was. The mod was called Epic Enhanced Skyrim Soundtrack and it was taken off Nexus. Although I have a copy of the folder I'm not too sure I'm allowed to share it. I must say though I wouldn't be able to go back to the normal soundtrack easily.

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