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3 Awesome Mod Requests!


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1 Active Spouse Mod: When I arrive home I am often confronted with the forlorn image of my spouse sitting alone in the dark doing nothing. Presumably contemplating their sorry fate as a captive of my home. Bummer. I would love a mod that makes your spouse engage in any manner of activities that are available in the home: Cooking, sweeping, sleeping, eating, using the crafting tables, the leather station etc. Anything other than just sitting at a table staring into the dark. If a modder could get the spouse to sit at a table & read a book or drink booze that would be really great! :)


2 Warmer College Dormitories Mod: The dormitories in the College look depressingly cold and grim and spartan. I'd much rather they be filled with more warm candlelight, rugs, tapestries, nice furniture and other inviting creature comforts.


3 No Poltergeists Mod: There is little point in painfully doing the agonizingly slow toil of home decorating if, upon re-entering, you find all your hard work mysteriously thrown on the floor. Someone please fix this! Thank you for your kind attention dear Modders! :)

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Your spouse suggestion... what house do you own?

I return home and find them either cooking, eating, sleeping, or as you said, staring into space. But, you do have a point. That's pretty much all they do. It would be nice if they at least walked around the town you were in, perhaps visited shops and went to taverns. That would be more lively.

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Your spouse suggestion... what house do you own?

I return home and find them either cooking, eating, sleeping, or as you said, staring into space. But, you do have a point. That's pretty much all they do. It would be nice if they at least walked around the town you were in, perhaps visited shops and went to taverns. That would be more lively.


I have a bit of a confession to make: That was actually Caliban, who is a friend of mine, accidentally posting from my account while on my computer XD


However I believe he owns Whiterun, Solitude, Windhelm, and more recently Riften houses.


I would third the spouse mod suggestion, though. It would actually be nice to see them leave the house sometimes too. Riften has a garden that needs tending you know! Those chickens aren't going to feed themselves :D

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