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NPC spawns and aggro


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I am the author of Subwayrunner, one of the problems I had with my mod from day one, was aggro range of npc's If the NPC's are on the lower level and I start a fight on the upper level the NPC's rush to where the fight is on going. While this is a neat effect it can be over whelming, to counter this I had to reduce the number of NPC's on my map.


I have noticed in vanilla cells NPC's don't this. You can literally set of a fatman in a room, and behind the door the next group of npc's are not in combat mode.


My question is there a Spawn trigger or a room market that NPC's are attached to that prevent them from aggroing the player outside the bounding box? if so how do I set this up for my npc's?

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I looked at MaldenCenter, there are multiple bounding box primitives, all are flagged L_ actorzone, and attached to the NPC's inside that box. The NPC's are linked reference to DMP_combat_holdpreferredposistion, or DMP_patrol_weaponout.


I am going to attempt to duplicate that and see if that stops groups from rushing the player.

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The winning combination is


Create trigger box, packagelocationprimitive collision layer L_Actorzone or L_Trigger


Reference link the npc to that primitive with the dmp_combat hold until engaged once the NPC sees the player then they will engage Before that they stay where you place them in the Creation Kit. They still show up on the player hud but atleast they are not rushing the player.

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Select your npc (4)

Go to linked reference (5)

under keyword doubleclick select reference in renderwindow (6)

click on your bounding box (7)

under keyword select DMP_Combat_holduntilengaged ( :cool:


then click okay. The NPC *SHOULD* only engage the player when the npc sees or is fired on by the player or when the player enters the bounding box

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