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Closing the same door via terminal


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Hi all...

IM having trouble understanding something..

Ive done opening doors with terminals fine but what if i want to close it again via the same or other terminal.


I found a MS19DoorCloser script but the question is..

Can i add the script to the same terminal hence a second option in the terminal menu ?


and a harder one... can i duplicate the terminal and have one inside and one outside of the entrance?


Also note im use a door called the "secret door" (a full concrete wall type of door )that in default state doesnt have either open or close door but it did connect to the terminal and open just fine.

Is there a way to give it regular door properties and use it as a door ?

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Ok i found that you CAN attach a second script to the terminal and door (too bad it doesnt have a animation to close it just suddenly appears closed).


Now can i add the same menu items to a different or clone terminal referencing the same door ??

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and again to answer my own question...YES you can have 2 terminals with the same menu items on the SAME door


I simply selected all references and then hit duplicate and ...boom second terminal does exactly what the first did and vise versa ...

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awesome stuff greekrage,

your mod-fu is the stuff of legend,

so to see your process in real-time is awesome.


What project are you working on, if I may inquire?

the secret pop-out door from snap-n-build?


is this to reverse a custom vault-door closing or

some other type of door such as

a cargo elevator with

"any door any where" and such?


or, are you modding the statue-ettes to have

the slide-down "secret tunnel" institute doors?

they make the 'indiana jones' style "stone against stone" door open sound too, hehe.

that would be an AWESOME mod,

and be a great connection to secret Enclave or Institute tunnels.


or, the Jaw opens on the art-deco metal gargoyle head,

and it is a tunnel door or so...


how goes you moving astrolabe and fountains mod too?

that would be awesome to see happen,

in CoD-InfiniteWarfare, in the space-baseball park,

there is a moving baseball and atom themed astrolabe feature...

they'd be awesome in FO4 eh?


thanks again, greekrage,

your 'thinking out aloud" apostrophe/soliloquy

has helped to patch some mods in a pastiche eh.

why bother with a lame workaround for a powered door - interval switch - terminal,

when with this method,

I can directly connect to the terminal or to a custom XOR sensor.


I can script the settlers to go

to a square at a time of day -

have a counter wait until say 10 are on the square,

and then power the elevator to transfer those 10 settlers

into the 'any door anywhere' area...

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THis is a NEW military base cause i had to scrap a 80 hours project due to some weird bug..


The door isnt a "secret" where im using it but i want it cause its so intimidating as a big concrete wall that you can only pass via terminal instead of those crappy looking metal doors..


This is what i scrapped (thats one third of it cause it was HUGE ) http://prntscr.com/d5t4dx

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wowsers greekrage,

you've been BUSY - that looks awesome.


you might have to make the

"any door anywhere" mod or give it a go,

because it lets you build in a large sandbox universe for the other side -

there's less bugs that way than,

if you have everything all in persistent universe cells.



Enclave-y or pre-war military? it looks scary.

it looks like, you could use the door as an

AvE style hydraulic fracture test rig... hehe



you know where that'd be awesome?

that weird shack near the railway line at Concord the BoS checkpoint, west of DrumLin Diner...

that door and an FONV style door'd be perfect!

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