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removing an Alias item from inventory via dialog problem

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So I have an alias which fills with a random reference to a base item on a formlist.


I can start up the quest and initiate dialog and trigger the stage which marks the alias, can pick up the item marked and progress the quest just fine.


I cannot however remove the item with dialog script fragments. The issue I think is that my dialog for the turn in is on another quest. I have however set the other quest up in the property so I SHOULD be able to pull the alias from the other quest and cast it as an object that can be removed from my inventory with the Removeitem function right? This is what I have and it keeps telling me I can't cast an alias to an objectreference, but I've used the removeitem(alias) function a multitude of time, just never from another quest.


Note that ArtifactREF1 is an alias property that is filled from the appropriate quest. I have also tried to simply do: Removeitem(OtherQST.Alias_ArtifactREF1.GetReference() as ObjectReference)



Game.GetPlayer().RemoveItem(Alias_ArtifactREF1  as ObjectReference)
Int Random = Utility.RandomInt(300, 750)
Game.GetPlayer().AddItem(Gold001, random)
DBM_RelicsFound.value += 1


Any idea what I'm doing wrong here?

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