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I can't fix my Broken Attributes


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I'm sure it's a mod that I have that's doing it but I don't know which one, all of my attributes are in the negative very negative, and drinking potions and praying at chapels aren't working. This is affecting my game play big time because I'm having other issues that I'm trying to fix but can't because of this one, # 1- I can't jump if I eat something. # 2- If my weight that I'm carrying goes over 200 every time I draw my sword and put it back my character squats down while I'm sheathing my sword, it's very annoying. I do have allot of mods and up until now I've been able to make them all work myself through internet research but I can't for the life of me figure this out. Has anyone had similar problems or anyone can help me please??? Edited by Sibastion
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You'll want to use this mod. It helps to no end and will restore your attributes to normal again.


Stat Restore

Yes thank you, but doesn't the Unofficial patch do that to, cuz Iv'e tried that and it will fix my stats but I still can't jump and my character still squats down when sheathing weapon but I shall try again. Maybe I should have unclouded my list of mods, here let me try to do this... OK I'm stupid, how do I copy my list of mods in the mod order I have now??? so I can past them here, sorry new to this forum thing.

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Hi friend,


don't know for real but I had that problem with my character wearing the total overpowered gear done by Gonzo. I powered the thing down in TCS to normal.


Hope it helps



Thanks for reply but I don't have that mod, I'm trying to figure out how to copy & past my mod load order here and maybe that will help.

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Sounds more like an animation problem; no stat drain of any kind would cause you to squat while sheathing your weapon. Not even an Intelligence drain :3

Assuming you have any installed, try using an animation mod's token to bring up its menu, and hit Reset Animation.


As for load order, I've only ever used OBMM, so I only know how to retrieve it in there: click the Import/Export button, View Load order, copy the contents and paste them here (make sure you use Code tags to make it more readable). Unfortunately it doesn't mark which ones are activated like FOMM does, but eh...

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Sounds more like an animation problem; no stat drain of any kind would cause you to squat while sheathing your weapon. Not even an Intelligence drain :3

Assuming you have any installed, try using an animation mod's token to bring up its menu, and hit Reset Animation.


As for load order, I've only ever used OBMM, so I only know how to retrieve it in there: click the Import/Export button, View Load order, copy the contents and paste them here (make sure you use Code tags to make it more readable). Unfortunately it doesn't mark which ones are activated like FOMM does, but eh...

Thanks I tried to import like you said and it just turns it into a file called "OMAL" file I don't know what to do now but thanks for the info, Drawn from your advice I've checked some of my animation mods and 2 of them when I click on or activate it says "Animation busy" maybe that is what is causing it?

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Sounds more like an animation problem; no stat drain of any kind would cause you to squat while sheathing your weapon. Not even an Intelligence drain :3

Assuming you have any installed, try using an animation mod's token to bring up its menu, and hit Reset Animation.


As for load order, I've only ever used OBMM, so I only know how to retrieve it in there: click the Import/Export button, View Load order, copy the contents and paste them here (make sure you use Code tags to make it more readable). Unfortunately it doesn't mark which ones are activated like FOMM does, but eh...

Thanks I tried to import like you said and it just turns it into a file called "OMAL" file I don't know what to do now but thanks for the info, Drawn from your advice I've checked some of my animation mods and 2 of them when I click on or activate it says "Animation busy" maybe that is what is causing it?

.oaml, you mean? That would come from clicking Export Active Omod List. You want View Load Order.


That sounds like what it is to me. Idle animations set by mods are saved in your savegame, so they would persist when you reloaded the save. I would personally write safeties into my scripts that would reset the player's pose to the default idle when the pose-setting item is used from the inventory, instead of making them do it manually, but...apparently my "everything will go wrong at some point, make every effort to make sure recovery is easy when it does" attitude isn't very widely-shared.


Anyway, I'd deactivate those two mods, then try using the Reset function again from another.


Another thing I just thought of is, a mod that changes how player encumbrance is handled might, in theory, do what you describe. For example, if player's weight limit has been reached, instead of outright stopping them set a bunch of modified animations up to make it seem as if they're struggling under great weight, and disable jumping because well, an encumbered character shouldn't be able to jump, right.

Do you have such a mod installed? If so, deactivating it, loading and resaving your game, then activating it again might fix the problem.

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