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Enchancement Mod Breaks Everything!


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I am currently trying to apply the following "Realism Graphic Enhancement" and "Skyrim Tweaks Complete", but each mod and both together brings me from a steady 60 FPS to 1~10FPS. I think, the new update of steam might have broke these mods? What should I do?


Specs & Mods:

rig info in the sig

Nvidia 290.53 [beta] ~~This update has help so much

Skyrim HD - 2k Texture

Death Cam Duration Options

Hayden UltraWide


"Realism Graphic Enhancement"



"Skyrim Tweaks Complete"


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Those mods have huge performance hits asociated with them. I guess the update might have obsoleted them for now, but they'll still drop you quite a few fps, even without a conflict. I wouldn't expect it to drop the fps much on a pc that powerful though. Try checking your shadow resolution in the .ini?
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Hello Yaminohaka,


There is a little performance hit with the mod, but not a huge one, well not for me


my system:


E6600 @ 3 Ghz

3gb Ram

GTX 285

win7 64 bit


If you want to try something out, then pls try this config I attached to this post, but back up your current ones.


My frame rate is pretty good, my fps loss is around 5-6 fps


note that my config files are "read-only" to change them you need to right click them and go to properties and uncheck "read-only"


the main file sucks a lot of fps, but the low-profile config he has there is pretty good, I just modified the shadows a bit so that they are not that blocky anymore :P

Edited by landsheer
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I have done several test using your config file, but there appears to be a huge performance hit while using the SKyrim HD 2k Texture Full version. Would you be able to add this mod as well, and see if you get similar results?



Ultra aax2 afx6 1-8fps [2k texture-Full]

Med settings aax0 afx0 49-60fps [2k texture-Full]

Ultra aax0 afx0 40-60 [NO 2k texture-Full]

Ultra aax2 afx6 30-50fps [2k texture-Lite]



Ultra aax0 af0 39 to 50 [No 2k texture]

Ultra aax0 afx0 25-40fps [2k texture-Lite]


All test included the following mods ENABLE "Realism Graphical Mod", "Hayden UltraWide", "Skyrim Script Extender 1.4.2", "TESV Acceleration Layer", and "Death Cam Duration Options". The only downside is, the white levels of the Realism Graphical Mod are too blown out. It's a huge issue with this person's settings.

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