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If you ever consider pressing the "new topic" button and then standing on a soap box and whining about how Skyrim is terrible...don't.


You are not more intelligent because you think something that the majority of people don't.


You are the type of person that likes criticizing popular movies because it makes you feel like you know something the "normal" people don't. You are just a douchebag who is trying to get attention by insulting something a lot of people enjoy.


You are this wikipedia article. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Contrarian


I pity you because you can't just enjoy the game without tearing it apart about details that will be fixed the second a creation kit is released.


Then people go on comparing it to oblivion, which we have had 5 years to perfect.


Just go blow yourselves. Worthless human trash.


/end rant

/yes im mad

Edited by Stormcrown
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Just annoyed at people complaining about how bad Skyrim is, when the only intention behind their actions is to ruin the game for people who enjoy it with a "I'm smarter than you, and you need understand you enjoy a bad game" attitude.
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Not everyone is like that though, I do myself acknowledge the problems Skyrim still has and would be ranting too, that's if I cared that is. Skyrim is a good game even with all the mistakes Bethesda did. But yes, I get your point, also not everyone rants in a reasonable way..
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Just annoyed at people complaining about how bad Skyrim is, when the only intention behind their actions is to ruin the game for people who enjoy it with a "I'm smarter than you, and you need understand you enjoy a bad game" attitude.


Just annoyed about someone, who drops into each and every thread not to their liking to force their own opinion as truth down everybodies throat. Why don't you just create your own threads instead of being offensive towards people having differing opinions? Cause you are offensive - even on the brink of being insulting.

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Although I can understand your frustration/train of thoughts and I once or twice felt like writing something like that myself, I don't think that it is helping or anything ... it is just going to be another flamethread.


Also I don't think that every critic on Skyrim, Steam, Bethesda etc. is bad ... most of the people/critic I read just seem to be annoyed by some aspects of them and I can relate to that, we all know that Skyrim isn't perfect. The only people who annoy me are those who either say stuff like "Skyrim is the biggest crap on the planet, no discussion" or "Everyone who disagrees that *thing xy* is crap, is a stupid fanboy", but as far as I can see those are the (hopefully soon gone) minority. All the other people seem to me like they enjoy the game and just critic certain parts and discussions about the problems can lead to very good mods that fix those issues.


So depending on which group you mean exactly:

Agree but your tone was too aggressive


Disagree because criticizing a game is not the same as hating it.

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I think it's hilarious that this chap posts in the Oblivion Vs Skyrim thread and rages about it and then makes a whole thread about it. Attention Seeker.

Edited by Jakeo
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I don't know who you think you are but this forum is for everybody, its not your place to tell people what they can and cannot post. Also calling other people "babies" while insulting those who hold a differing opinion to you beggars belief. If you want to surround yourself with sycophantic fanboys may I suggest the official forums, the place is overrun with them.
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