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Modded Armor Troubleshooting

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Hi all, I am working on converting a gauntlet mesh to SSE. In game the gauntlets show up as they are supposed to and everything seems to be working fine, but then if I swap armors or change zones the gauntlets become invisible, and reappear after another load screen or sometimes at random.


Any idea what's going on? I've checked SSEedit for any conflicts and haven't come across anything and it's currently loaded at the bottom of my load order for testing.


I've ran the meshes through nifscan and resaved them in nifskope as well.


Apologies if this has been asked and answered elsewhere.

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So in case anyone else is having this trouble. Or would like to know. The disappearing model is an issue with modded armors and their priority getting confused when they share a body slot with another piece of armor. The solution is to save and then reload your game when equipping something new if the modded armor piece disappears.


Thanks to this person! https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/3822705-skyrim-guide-about-biped-slots-and-the-priority/


They are my hero.

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