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Star wars the Old republic RP


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Hello everyone! Mythic here and this is my Star Wars the old republic RP, it follows on from the Ending of the sith inquisitor Storyline, my character is the sith inquisitor Darth Nox. Now anyone is welcome to join, and a character sheet would be lovely but optional. :happy: You may create a character of your chosing, any race, any class. You do not have to start as a lowly padawan, you could be a wizened jedi master if you wish, or the commander of a fleet. Really anything you wish :biggrin:


The rules are really just common sense, read the roleplay guidelines and it shall be just fine!


Have fun and join :biggrin:



A few years had passed Since Darth Nox joined the Dark council, and her search for ancient power was going well, each day she grew in dark and evil sith power, and basked in knowledge.


In her chambers in Dromund Kaas, Darth Nox went over an ancient holocron. She explored it's power for a while and arose from her seat, she approached one of her sith and said "This item is useless, i want it destroyed."

Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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Name: Delta-41 (Current designation)

Affiliation: Sith army

specialisation: Battle droid

race: Droid

age: Has been activated for 6 days, 13 hours 23 minute's and 12 1/2 seconds en counting

Appearance: An new, shining droid, equipped with state of the art technology to be effective in combat. Has the letters/numbers Delta-41 painted on his left shoulder. If he is caught deactivated or damaged, then someone with computer skills can change his programming, remove parts of his memory (incase it is virus damage) but this is a mixed blessing, it means should someone find him while he is deactivated or damaged, they could program him against his former master.

Skills: He has good targeting optics, laced with cortossis, is a good hacker, good strategist.

Has the following upgrade's:

Jet pack

Gauntlet Vibrodagger, Mounted on his right arm (Below his hand)

Wrist mounted Blaster, Mounted on his right arm (above his hand)

Wrist rocket, mounted on his left arm (above his hand)

Computer spike and security spike, mounted on his left arm (below his hand)

Shield generator, mounted in his chest piece.

Magnetised feet and hands

Bio: Delta-41 is a prototype unit, made to assist in combat in anyway, he is the first prototype in the series to not attempt to butcher it's owners!

He was activated in a secure environment, and was tested for the first three days of his life, he passed and was accepted as a working model. Unfortunately, when his creators attempted to make another, it killed them, before being subdued. Sadly, this means '41 is the only surviving unit of the series.


Delta-41 walked through the Sith base, his optics picking up every movement around him, from the guy shouting to the Mynock flying by, he clanked round, but everything was strange, and new, he had only just arrived here, and this was the first time he saw sith troopers out of armour

Edited by Brutii
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Darth Nox dismissed her subjects, she sat at her desk and activated her hologram interface, an incoming call from one of the sith captains came through "My lord, the new prototype you requested to see has arrived, it is in the Sith base here in dromund Kaas."

"Good, i shall inspect the unit at once."


Darth Nox arrived at the sith base, she looked around for the new super droid.

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Darth Nox dismissed her subjects, she sat at her desk and activated her hologram interface, an incoming call from one of the sith captains came through "My lord, the new prototype you requested to see has arrived, it is in the Sith base here in dromund Kaas."

"Good, i shall inspect the unit at once."


Darth Nox arrived at the sith base, she looked around for the new super droid.


The droid walked straight up, and scanned the dark jedi "Identify" he said

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"Darth Nox, head of the pyramid of ancient knowledge." Nox said, looking at the droid.

The droid implemented the sith lord into his data banks, and quickly found one in his knowledge that Identified the lord "I am designated Delta-41, combat droid of the sith army"

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"Ah yes, the droid i was told about, but is it true all of the rumors surrounding you? i enjoy intrigue"

"State to me the rumors and I will answer whether they are correct, false or an exaggeration, also state the source of the rumours" the droid said

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