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TESV Acceleration Layer - SKSE Plugin


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So I run my heavily modded version of Skyrim on an old Dell Latitude E6400 (Modded). The computer is not by any means top end, but it works for me. My specs are at the bottom.


I'm always looking at ways to improve Skyrim's performance so that I can play the game on very high res without lag, with all the extra candy (V-Sync, Ambience, etc....). This is BY FAR the best 'mod'/plugin I've found yet. I had at least a 10-20 fps improvement in most areas. My average after using this is about 75fps. Kudos, may we drink to the name of the author!!! xD


Dell Latitude E6400

Intel Duo Core 2 p 8600 2 2 x 2.40 Ghz

Nvidia Quadro NVS 160M (Custom Cooling and Extreme Overclock)

4Gb of Ram

WD Black 7200 RPM 500 Gb

Good work on resurrecting a thread from 2012....

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Good work on resurrecting a thread from February with no valuable input. You're the prime example of a hypocrite. My post is also useless, so I'm going to add something not entirely worthless.


This is an awesome plugin that helps with FPS drops!

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I actually see no discernible difference. I've actually tried several mods/utilities that claim to do the same thing (although each one has a slightly different explanation as to how it's supposed to work). So far, the only thing that's made even the slightest difference (and by slight I mean 1-5 fps) is setting the graphics option on low, but the sucks quality more than makes up for the perfomance gain, so I put it back on high, live with the 10-15fps, and hit pause (which lets things load @ about 60fps) for a few seconds when I see that somethings not quite right.

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TesVal turned into Skyboost....way back when...it can no longer Work with the latest patches...BUT these are the things that gave US the Stable Game we now Play! Quote is from Alander Blade.


The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim was released in the end of '11, I wrote few quite popular tools for that time, now I'm supporting only the library which extends ENB capabilities. In one hand we have game concept, which is amazing and on the other there is an extremely buggy and unoptimized engine. Before the patch 1.4.2X PC version of the game was built even without any compiler optimizations, Skyboost literally forced developers to turn them on, it was quite a win for the PC gamers back then.


Bethesda listened we don't need these anymore. BUT.... Kudos to the ones that did all the work!!


Original Mod Author: Arisu
Compiled by: ianpatt (SKSE)
Fixed by: Arisu, Greatwalrus, Silverglade


SkyBoost Was a fork done by....Alexander Blade

""SkyBoost - boosts the game via replacing most bottleneck code parts, useless with the latest patches""


Reference threads..

Last thread for ...TESV Acceleration Layer ends with the announcement of Skyboost...>>>DEC 2011>>http://forums.bethsoft.com/topic/1324300-tesv-acceleration-layer-offers-massive-possible-performance-increases-now-in-skse-plugin-format-thread-3/?p=19910169

10 threads for Skyboost ends in FEB 2012 >>http://forums.bethsoft.com/topic/1349813-skyboost-topic-10/?p=20339410

Since 1.4 Skyrim, the Optimizations are NOW done by Bethesda!


IF your gonna resurrect a thread that stared in 2011 at least inform the masses! (P.S.Good thing Bethesda locks their threads so nobody resurect these their)...hahhaha

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