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.fuz File Name Length


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Does the .fuz file name have to be 10 characters long, or can it be longer/shorter? Will it still work if I prefix spliced up voice files with some letters too?


Thanks in advance if anyone knows.

May I ask why do you need to rename it? It has a sweet auto-generated name)

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When you're done with your dialogue writing you can go to the first tab of the quest (it is literally called Quest Tab Xd) and extract all the dialogues from your quest to the txt file. Which you can then open in Excel and all of the lines with voice types, filenames and ect will be there. So when you're voicing those lines you see the names generated by CK. These are the names you should save your recordings as.

More to it, all of the dialogues coupled with your esp (the lines you've created) should be placed (either by you if u do recording in 3-rd party programs, or by CK if you voice it through the Creation Kit's built-in interface) to ...Sound\Voice\YourPluginName.esp\VoiceTypeSubfolder. So you're always aware where're your files at and what they are.

Edited by werr92
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When you're done with your dialogue writing you can go to the first tab of the quest (it is literally called Quest Tab Xd) and extract all the dialogues from your quest to the txt file. Which you can then open in Excel and all of the lines with voice types, filenames and ect will be there. So when you're voicing those lines you see the names generated by CK. These are the names you should save your recordings as.


Okay, so. Expanding on this...


If I'm making a mod that adds voice lines to existing NPCs (via splicing and editing existing lines), can I be sure that someone elses mod doing the same things won't generate the same voice file names and cause compatibility issues?

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Okay, so. Expanding on this...


If I'm making a mod that adds voice lines to existing NPCs (via splicing and editing existing lines), can I be sure that someone elses mod doing the same things won't generate the same voice file names and cause compatibility issues?

Absolutely. First, voice files of someone elses mod will be located in its own directory. Second, these filenames are generated according to the esp data they're coupled with. So no worries on that, until these are two different esps.

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