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Sanctuary CTD - Looking for a fix


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I am looking for help from anyone who has also had issue with scrapping or building in Sanctuary recently and get a ctd. Game works fine, other settlements I can scrap all, do normal scrapping and put down any item I want.


In sanctuary though its an instance CTD. I saw a post (that I cant find now) and one of the smart posters on that thread said she went through the save of someone and saw that its an issue with quests not completing or something like that. I am just wondering if anyone has a work around or a fix. I have read after a certain FO4 release this started happening.


No, it is not a mod and yes LOOT was run before someone makes that post. I'll stop you there. It is something to do with the save because a clean save that I downloaded with vanilla items works fine. I have also disabled all mods and it does it still. I use MO2


I did try to use the cell ripper program and was able to at least clear sanctuary of all items. But it didnt matter because even placing new items causes the ctd. It also be worth noting that I also now have the issue around CIT where it sort of locks up/hangs and just bugs out.


I would go back to an old old save to test but.. sadly I had a hd accident awhile back and those saves are gone. I do know I was in the middle of rebuilding Sanctuary that I started maybe 5 months ago, and it worked back then, so it does seem like maybe its update/base game related.


Anyways, its not a huge loss I guess but wouldnt be bad to get it fixed.


Thanks in advance for any help.

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