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Dragon Age Dragons?


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Ever since I first played Dragon Age Inquisition and encountered a dragon I thought they were truly epic. They were legendary beasts, and in Skyrim we get these sad little Wyverns that pale in comparison. So I'm wondering how hard would it be to port one or all of the 11 dragons from Inquisition into Skyrim Special Edition. For ease obviously just manually place them somewhere and give them the basic Dragon move/attack pattern. But maintain their scale for the most part, maybe shrink them a little. Would this be hard to do on my own, how would I do this, could someone else do this?

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I was hoping someone could get some hexapodal dragons done too.


Supposedly Skyrims dragons were intended to be so but were downgraded due to tech problems, if there is a way to convert them into 4 legged dragons now, it would be an incredible enhancement.

I would honestly just like to see at least one actual dragon in skyrim, instead of the wyverns. To me theyre just an annoying joke you know?

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