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unethical mod authors


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What I don't get is the hostility from either side of the aisle.


Firstly let me start by saying, the OP is clearly an unreasonable person who doesn't deserve the amount of attention this thread has gotten. If you're going to ask a mod author for help or to provide criticism, be nice about it and at the very least, look through ALL of the possible fixes in the prior posts, the description, or, for gods sake, do a google search, because chances are someone, somewhere has had the EXACT same issue. The hilarious thing about this is OP probably had something as simple as an improper load order or didn't bother to read the compatibility list.


As for the other side of it, I'm very new to these forums and intend at the moment to pay for a Premium membership as I use this site a LOT for modding purposes. That being said PhantomPally has a point, authors and users have a very symbiotic relationship in the cases where the author is actually creating content to share with people rather than for himself. I feel like this is the big distinction that I haven't seen made here, and people can correct me if I'm way off base here, but isn't it accurate to say that authors generally fall into three categories?


Content created for own use, never shared content.


Content created for own use, decided to share but still strictly works on the mod mainly to benefit their own game.


Content created to share with the community just as much for improving their own game.


Now, generally it's probably pretty accurate to say that every author falls into one of these categories if not all of them at different points in time for different content correct? (bear with me, it's currently 5:30 AM and I just started falling asleep) Mod authors that fall into category 3 don't really have any right to be rude to users "just" because they are users and haven't "contributed" to the community. IF you created your mod mainly with the purpose of sharing it, you can't then turn around and tell someone that their opinion doesn't matter because they are more interested in modding and playing their game than they are creating content themselves.


A bit of mutual respect and common decency can go a long way, people "can" be rude and or entitled, the key is taking at face value generally mod authors do the best they can and if they ARE sharing their content want to provide as much support and as much good content as possible, just because they don't respond right away or get mad at you for not searching the 10,000 other posts asking the same thing doesn't make them bad people. At the same time though, if there are mod authors out there that treat basic users poorly simply because they aren't authors or paying members, it's flat out wrong, it goes against everything modding communities stand (or at least used to) for.


TLDR: Some common decency and mutual respect between people goes a long way, OP is rude, deserves to have had his posts deleted, and so do people like him.


(Not pointing fingers at anyone specifically other than the OP, this is just my personal opinion after reading through the majority of this thread.)

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I saw this and thought it would be something about the mod authors that are uploading other authors content but was surprised by something much more hilarious.

Which part do you find hilarious? I'm interested in your answer to that.

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So I recently asked a mod author for help regarding his mod. I then came to realize he deleted my comment instead of helping me. His mod is quite a well known one. Currious..Am I to take this as a representation of the modding community? Rhetorical. Of course I do. And so do many others. I wonder why this is acceptable. Not rhetorical. Why is such behaviour allowed? So...You make a mod, leave it broken..and delete comments talking about it? Says a lot about the community..It really does. You know who you are.

This user has shown in more than one occasion that his presence in a modding community is meaningless and got way more attention than he deserved. I see he has been banned [twice] but not sure why this thread is still open.

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at lest he never blocked you from even looking at the mood. i got blocked (1st and only time for a fallout 4 guns mod pack) and i only asked something. ) cant remember, i think it was a request and also how to get something another. cant remember.

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Since i have been mentioned: I havent forgotten that yet phantom but deleted feedback is no feedback. And in any case doesnt absolve you from the repeated insults, im afraid.


Im pretty amazed by your contributions to the community, not everyone can say they have shaped modding, congrats.

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Frank, I'm not personally attacking you. I'm rebuffing your hostile and unsavory attitude, which you're demonstrating even now. And it's not my fault that you're doing a far better job of proving the OP's point than he ever could.


Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go test some mods and prepare some feedback for authors who won't fly off the handle and bite my head off when I make suggestions or point out bugs.


Provided that's ok with you, of course.


Again, I feel like you're doing more to reinforce the OP's point than you realize.


There is no valid defense for being rude to mod users. None. Yet here you are, trying to defend it, presumably because you know it applies to you. Consider that, if only for a moment.


That said, there is no valid defense for being rude to mod authors, either. And before I forget that (and I am very much about to), I withdraw.

Nexus isn't your safe space. So please f*#@ off. I think you should get out of your parents basement and try getting a job in IT costumer service. You will realize just how much of an entitled little twat the average user really is. Also i've never seen any mod author actually being rude. Do mod authors,when asked about a problem, reply with lines like "lol good luck fixing that f@&#!t"? How are they being rude?

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