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Everyone is Essential - NPCs Protected


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Good morning,




Can anyone port something like this to skyrim SE?


I'm running a very highly modded skyrim with a lots of blood.

However, I do not want within 10 or 20hours of gameplay that cities will be empty.


I would like to have all those NPC (followers, quest npc, shoppers, etc, that have a name and are "unique" to be marked as protected).

Adventures, City Guards, Hunters, etc that are added through other mods can die, there is no issue about that because the game will respawn them again, but unique NPC stay and I dont want that.


Skyrim SE will be more bloodly than Skyrim ever was. With this engine we can populate the game with more randon stuff and get thins bloodly. The only thing we can do to protect the vanilla game is ensure that the original NPC stay as protected and I'll not all die with our insane blood thirst :D


Thanks again for you all, you make this community amazing!



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Something like, http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/3548/?


That's assuming you mean protected, opposed to essential. Those are two very different things. Just in case you don't know.


Essential - Can't be killed by anyone, including the player

Protected - Can only be killed by the player.


Yes, I know the difference. Well this mod is perfect for me! I was unaware of his existence in Skyrim SE. I will check it out thanks!

Edited by skyrimfan147
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