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Problem with ApacchiHairStyles and Inhabitants of Skyrim - NPC Overhaul


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Sorry if this is the wrong forum section. It is my first time using this forum. I've downloaded a series of mods, among them ApachiiHairStyles and inhabitans of Skyrim - NPC Overhaul.


I've run into a very annoying problem.some npcs such as Ysolda for example, seem to have their hair turned into a weird blueish/purple colour. Does anyone know how to fix this? I've tried to search it but can't find anything.

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That usually means textures are missing. You could try to verify the integrity of the game cache, but that is most likely not the issue. Try uninstalling and then reinstalling the mod. If that doesn't help, you might be running out of VRAM. What GPU do you have, and how many graphics mods are you using?

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i'm a big time noob so you'll have to excuse me if i forgot to mention something, i also have no idea what that VRAM you talked about is. I went to the control panel and this is what i found under graphic cards:

AMD Radeon HD 8600M Series

Intel® HD Graphics 4400


I'm mainly just using graphic mods. This is my list :



Skyrim HD - 2k textures

Real Vision ENB

Realistic Lightning overhaul

Climates of Tamriel

Inhabitants of Skyrim - NPC Overhaul (and the required apachii mods)


If you can spot the problem from these details, i'd be much appreciated.

Edited by XaloSenun
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I would lower your texture pack from 2K to the more performance friendly 1K variants. Your GPU has only 1GB VRAM (video memory), so you don't want to run the risk of filling it up with the higher resolution 2K textures. From there, if you don't want to use that mod anymore then uninstall everything to do with it. I would suggest looking into the Windsong Skyrim Character Overhaul, it's a fairly popular overhaul of Skyrim's NPCs. Just be sure to read the entire mod page as there is some important information in it.


WSCO - Windsong Skyrim Character Overhaul:


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I think the problem may simply be with some of the textures i downloaded. I changed the Inhabitants version from 1 to 3 (to use vanilla hair only). Now it seems to be ok. I'll check that Windsong one aswell. Thank you very much for all the help.

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Most likely what was going on then was the hairs were messed up somehow. You were either missing something, or at some point during the installation something went wrong. Either way, glad you got things to work out. Have fun.

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