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Falskaar and Wyrmstooth - where did they go?


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I have been checking the MOD pages to see which of the MODs I played in Skyrim were being set up for SE.


I had a kink under history for Falskaar but the comment page is greyed out. I couldn't locate Wyrmstooth anywhere.


Are these now abandoned MODs?? Would be a real shame as there was a lot of work put into their creation.

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Wyrmstooth was removed by the author a while back. I understand he is okay with people privately sharing it between each other but doesn't want it publicly distributed. As a result, it will most likely not make the move to SE.


As far as Falskaar, it has made the move to SE: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/2057/

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I have been checking the MOD pages to see which of the MODs I played in Skyrim were being set up for SE.


I had a kink under history for Falskaar but the comment page is greyed out. I couldn't locate Wyrmstooth anywhere.


Are these now abandoned MODs?? Would be a real shame as there was a lot of work put into their creation.

Falskaar is still on the Nexus, but Wyrrmstooth has been removed by the author for personal reasons. If you know of anyone that may have the newest version of Wyrmstooth according to the author they may share it with you but it cannot be uploaded anywhere publiclly. I still have an older version if you are interested, PM me.


EDIT: I type to slow Ishara beat me to it.

Edited by Aragorn58
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