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Indeed maybe just a mod to allow 4+ enchantments onto rings, only if possible, would be sufficient. Put some elemental resistances and smithing and alchemy on there maybe some others and there would be no need for multiple, unless you wanted multiple rings to massively stack enchantments which would probably make things unbalanced and tipping to your side of the scales.
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There are already 2 mods on the nexus, one for unlimited rings, the other for amulets. Use caution though, craft one of each type of ring and amulet, and enchant them, then don't make another ring or amulet that uses the same materials. it causes a bug that kinda screws with your inventory. all unique/gift type rings can be used along side the crafted ones though. just make sure you arent using the same crafted ring or amulet at the same time, because even if they have different enchants and are renamed, it will screw with your inventory.


Have fun and if you insist on equipping tons of jewelry all at once, up the difficulty of the game, or you will get bored.

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There are already 2 mods on the nexus, one for unlimited rings, the other for amulets. Use caution though, craft one of each type of ring and amulet, and enchant them, then don't make another ring or amulet that uses the same materials. it causes a bug that kinda screws with your inventory. all unique/gift type rings can be used along side the crafted ones though. just make sure you arent using the same crafted ring or amulet at the same time, because even if they have different enchants and are renamed, it will screw with your inventory.


Have fun and if you insist on equipping tons of jewelry all at once, up the difficulty of the game, or you will get bored.


that sounds horrible

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that sounds horrible


It is good if you use it in moderation. I use it to be able to keep my smithing/alchemy rings/amulets on all the time without having to worry about switching them out with my battle gear. It's also kind of cool if you are a warrior type character and for some reason you need a little extra magicka without investing points into it, you can keep a fortify magicka ring on. I suggest giving them a try, it really does make inventory management a little less of a pain in the ass.


Oh and to add to that, I would love a mod that allows clothes under armor, so i can keep my blacksmithing apron/gloves on all the time, as well as the alchemy one...i think its boots in addition to gloves and chest? Cant remember.

Edited by thedemoninside
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There's already a mod out there, don't know what it's exactly called. I use every ring I find as it allows "infinite" rings to be used. However, I don't find it game breaking as the game is still quite a challenge.
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