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Thief guild problem


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I've just finished the DB quests and I'd like to join the thief guild but I've been waiting at midnight in the location(imperial city arborwatch) some guy told me but nothing, another bug after I'd have to leave the mage guild quests because of a bug(Dagail amulet). What else for me except going after the shivreled islands quests?



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Save yourself another load of problems by at least reading through the Bugs and Notes sections of the UESP Wiki Thieves Guild individual quests. Like all quests in the game there are many ways you can break them (either by not doing something they thought you would or by doing something they thought nobody would do). Here's an example of what I'm talking about (the Notes section of Finding the Thieves Guild is quoted ... and I've highlighted what is probably your problem):



You don't actually have to talk to any beggars, or anyone else for that matter. Merely hearing the topic "The Gray Fox", or reading one of the wanted posters is enough. You can then simply show up at the Garden of Dareloth around midnight, and they'll let you join. You may need to first increase Armand Christophe's disposition.

The Garden of Dareloth is the backyard of the abandoned shack next to Methredhel's house

Being sent to prison in the Shivering Isles triggers Myvryna's attempt to find you, but she will only hunt within Cyrodiil.


Arborwatch is in Chorrol.

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thanks for the help and the url too, it come very handy.






Save yourself another load of problems by at least reading through the Bugs and Notes sections of the UESP Wiki Thieves Guild individual quests. Like all quests in the game there are many ways you can break them (either by not doing something they thought you would or by doing something they thought nobody would do). Here's an example of what I'm talking about (the Notes section of Finding the Thieves Guild is quoted ... and I've highlighted what is probably your problem):



You don't actually have to talk to any beggars, or anyone else for that matter. Merely hearing the topic "The Gray Fox", or reading one of the wanted posters is enough. You can then simply show up at the Garden of Dareloth around midnight, and they'll let you join. You may need to first increase Armand Christophe's disposition.

The Garden of Dareloth is the backyard of the abandoned shack next to Methredhel's house

Being sent to prison in the Shivering Isles triggers Myvryna's attempt to find you, but she will only hunt within Cyrodiil.


Arborwatch is in Chorrol.

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I've beaten the 2 others thiefs to steal the diaries but when I return to Armand at midnight he simply say something like "are you confused?" and dont see I have the diaries, any help? I've read the quest from the page you gave me but they dont mention a bug :/



Edited by eregor2
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When you picked up the diary did you get the quest update that said:

I have beaten Methredhel and Amusei to Amantius Allectus' diary. Now to get back to Armand at Dareloth's garden by midnight.


If you didn't get that quest update you didn't grab the right book. If you have a book in your inventory called Amantius Allectius' Diary and he's still not recognizing it I'm not sure what the problem could be.

Edited by Striker879
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yes, I've just checked and I have Amantius Allectius' Diary in my inventory, I've tried to raise my charisma with Armand throught bribe but no result :/


btw, I've get the quest update about beating the 2 others thiefs.



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In the console (opened by hitting the tilde (~) key just below the Esc key on standard keyboards) type 'getstage tg01bestthief' (without the quote marks) and hit Enter. It will return the stage that the quest Best Thief is at. If the getstage returns 40 then type in 'setstage tg01bestthief 50' (again without the quotes). If it returns something else you can either figure out what the next stage should be by referring to the quest stages listed in the table at the bottom of the May the Best Thief Win UESP Wiki page or post your result here.
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'setstage tg01bestthief 50' worked as Armand reconize me as a new recruit but I dont get any new contract, btw I reverted to an old save game before entering your command as I was in vampire and didnt like that at all, I know whats triggered it and I wont follow the same path. If I understand your last post, you want me to do the next thief quest even if Armand didnt tell me or... let me know.






In the console (opened by hitting the tilde (~) key just below the Esc key on standard keyboards) type 'getstage tg01bestthief' (without the quote marks) and hit Enter. It will return the stage that the quest Best Thief is at. If the getstage returns 40 then type in 'setstage tg01bestthief 50' (again without the quotes). If it returns something else you can either figure out what the next stage should be by referring to the quest stages listed in the table at the bottom of the May the Best Thief Win UESP Wiki page or post your result here.

Edited by eregor2
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