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Fur Cloak


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I have not seen this at all and I am shocked to be honest. The fur cloak that you can have on fur armor. Why is it not added to other armors such as the Steel armor, or the Dragon bone. Heck anyone of them that it would fit for!

It would honestly make them look better, and you would not see your characters hair clipping through the back of the armor.

Edited by wkitchen82
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in the case of fur additions it would probably look best witht he following combinations:

leather- no fur(sorry mate but it just wont work)

elven- probably something resembling the wolf pelt

scaled- bear or just big fur like the jarls

glass- looks like a big cat pelt would go well with this. maybe even using sabre fangs to hold the fur to the armour

Dragonscale- bear or big fur like the jarls

iron- i'd go with wolf or fox here, colours and volume would work well

steel- your looking at fox, and a lot of it. think of it as padding.

dwarven- no fur(sorry mate but it just wouldn't work)

plate- no fur(it'd actually get overheatingly hot and cook the wearer, even in skyrim weather

orcish- same as plate

ebony- as badass as ebony looks, no furs would really go with it, you could TRY elk or polar bear to offset the black and dark blues but in all I dont think it really looks like it needs fur

dragonplate- I can see it as a sort of cape that fixes to both arms so the swinging of weapons creates the illusion of flapping wings. goat would probably produce the best effect

Daedric- I dont mean to be mean in saying this, but if you HAVE to 'fur' the daedric armour you'd probably do best with a khajiit hide

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