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One of my mods look like it should working just fine, but it wont appear in the game.


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I have Skyrim on Steam, and i have the Skyrim patch, but I don't use the workshop on steam for mods. I use nexus, and I have the Mods "Alternate Start", "Character Creation Overhaul", "Fores New Idles in Skyrim", "Moonlight Tales - Werewolf and Werebear Essentials Version 2_51" and "SkyUI". All of these mods work perfectly fine EXCEPT for Moonlight Tales, and I don't know why.


When I open up the Nexus Mod manager, all mods are active (They have the green check mark by them). When I launch Skyrim (Yes, I'm using the Skyrim Script Extender) and check the Data Files ALL mods that i have installed are checked; I've even tried un-checking them and re-checking them. I have all the DLC's, as well. When I open up the game I start out customizing my character, because of the Alternate Start mod, and this mod works perfectly. I can customize my character with the Character Creation Overhaul just fine, too. I'm not sure about the Fores New Idles in Skyrim mod, because I only got it because Moonlight Tales Required it and I don't know what it does. I know that the Moonlight Tales should have a mod menu, but It wont show up. When I become a werewolf via the Companions, nothing new is there. I've searched the problem on google but most of the issues don't seen like the same one I've got. I've tried all the fixes I could find that should fix the issues that seem like the same one I have, but none of them worked. I use a windows 8 laptop. I don't know how much more info anyone would need to help, but ask any if its necessary.


Does anyone know what I could do to fix this?

Edited by swipswap22
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Did you run GenerateFNISforUsers.exe and click 'Update FNIS Behavior'? You need to actually run FNIS to have it work for the mod. You'll also need the FNIS Behavior and FNIS Creature Pack as well.


Also, type this into the console while in game: setstage ski_configmanagerinstance 1


That command should rebuild the MCM menu, thus, allowing you to actually use the mod.

Edited by DaddyDirection
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Did you run GenerateFNISforUsers.exe and click 'Update FNIS Behavior'? You need to actually run FNIS to have it work for the mod. You'll also need the FNIS Behavior and FNIS Creature Pack as well.


Also, type this into the console while in game: setstage ski_configmanagerinstance 1


That command should rebuild the MCM menu, thus, allowing you to actually use the mod.

I'll try this. Thank you for the help!

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Did you run GenerateFNISforUsers.exe and click 'Update FNIS Behavior'? You need to actually run FNIS to have it work for the mod. You'll also need the FNIS Behavior and FNIS Creature Pack as well.


Also, type this into the console while in game: setstage ski_configmanagerinstance 1


That command should rebuild the MCM menu, thus, allowing you to actually use the mod.

I'll try this. Thank you for the help!


That didnt work, but I found out what the problem was. Thank you very much though, I probably would've encountered an issue with the things you mentioned anyways.

Edited by swipswap22
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Uninstall the mod entirely and then reinstall it. Run FNIS to make sure everything is good, and then run LOOT. After that, start the game and see what happens. Also, when you enter that console command - make sure to make a new save game afterwards and quit the game, then reload. That might be what is needed for it to kick in. Also, give it time. Sometimes MCM menu entries take a while to generate, so play around for maybe 30 minutes or something and see what happens.

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