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Using TES5edit to change where load doors lead?


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The creation kit is a bit of complexity more than I want to work with, but I'm trying to see if I can't use TES5edit to just change where a load door takes me, so I can download one mod with an exterior and location I like then have the load door take to a different interior cell from another mod with a better design.


Looking at what the editor can apparently do, this seems like it should be possible, and I've been experimenting, but so far no luck. Am I simply missing something, or is this just something the mod won't do?

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Update: Figured it out--thanks for the hint!


You go to the mod that contains the interior cell you want to link to instead, and locate the door in the worldspace (it'll be listed under persistent) and going to the "XTEL -Teleport Destination" area, and first copy the door information there, which should look something like this:


[REFR:EB005447] (places WRShackDoor01 "Door" [DOOR:00024E26] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of 1xmWinterCoveInt "Winter Cove" [CELL:EB000D62])


you copy this and use it to replace the corresponding data in the door in the exterior that you're using, which will be in the Worldspace category. This tells the exterior door to teleport you to that internal cell instead of the place it originally went.


This gets you to the cell, but won't likely get you to the right location within the cell, so going back to the same "XTEL -Teleport Destination" area you copied the door information from, and copy the teleport coordinates under "Position/Rotation" which will tell you where in that cell you're going to arrive.


So, this gets you inside, but you have to get back out again... This part is easier. Since most doors are going to lead to Tamriel worldspace, you only need to go to the interior cell of the OLD, original location, and locate the door (listed under "Persistent Objects" and you copy only the Position/Rotation data to the interior door in the new location. I've only tested this with simple, single door locales, but you should be able to extrapolate the procedure for cells with more doors.

Edited by ObsydianShade
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