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Looking for a spell mod - should already exist


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Hey guys,


I played a spell package mod a couple years back and I can't for the life of me find it.


There was a backpack full of spells left by a wizard just beside the door the Riverwood Trader. The specific spell I'm looking for was a Ward that could absorb incoming enemy spells, charge up, and then release a force push back at the enemy (technically, an Unrelenting Force shout).


Does this mod/spell ring any bells? Would it be easier to just make this in the creation kit? If so, are there any guides on how to do that? I'm somewhat familiar with CK.



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You know, that sound really familiar to me but I can't recall where I saw a mod like that. I'll try to help you out in your search, but don't hold your breath though. Sometimes stuff like this can really take a long time.

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