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Skyrim is upside down!


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4) Disenchanting means that it doesn't matter what spell schools you know when it comes to enchanting items



I fully disagree with this. I can take a ballpoint pen apart, grab another inkwell, and put it in the original pen sheathe. That doesn't necc mean I understand how an inkwell works, let alone the ballpoint. But I can take it apart and make it work again. In another pen, if I desire. Heck, I can even change the color.


You really are the Jeweler.

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marksmanship couldn't ever be seen as a stealth skill. I mean the word couldn't mean that it could relate to hunting or even that marksman I don't know is another term for oh say sharpshooter which is another word for I don't know sniper. Nope no possible way to ever link it to stealth ever. My eyes maybe bleeding after reading the first posts though
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Question One:

Alchemy was moved to Stealth because everything a potion can do a skilled Mage can do with just a spell, so potions are used far more often by rouges then magicians. :thumbsup:


Question Two:

Archery was moved to the Warrior because bows are very effective even without sneaking, especially when fighting dragons before acquiring Dragonrend.


After that the wall of text melted my brain... :turned:

Edited by SaintAnon
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1st. Archery in Skyrim differs greatly from what it was in Oblivion. In Oblivion the bows were short and cause of that used in short-mid range shooting, one could shoot arrows in fast rate as the damage of bows were not that great. In Skyrim archery was meant to be long range and powerful ranged weapon capable to go toe-to-toe with powerful mages. One takes time to fully draw the bow for full damage and range and the bows tend to be long ones thus being harder to pull. Of course the damage is not even near to a powerful mage as it should be:


(with Marked for Death, poisons, legendary status bow with high damage enchant and best arrows around, apparel designed to increase bow damage, perks that improve archery, potions that improve archery I can shoot those dragons down with 3-4 arrows (master difficulty and not using enchant/alchemy exploit to make god weapons) if I hit and that takes around 10-20 secs to do while my mage using enchanted apparel to reduce destruction spell cost to 0 and using lighting storm can take that dragon down in less than for 7 secs and the probability to hit that dragon with spell is greater as it is channeled).


2nd. Alchemy is clearly a rogue/thief/assasin type skill as stated above magic can do everything that potions/poisons can and thus lore wise mages wouldn't waste time creating potions.


3rd. Shouts are as you said another way of magic, but different kind as it requires no magicka thus giving the magicka to something more important. And what mage wouldn't want 3rd way to cast spells (1 Expert Fire mage vs. 3 bandits = Fire mage uses Incineration on first 2 guys with his/her hands and finishes the battle using Yol-Toor-Shul for the last one and turning everything near to ash :) ). And as stated above it gives a melee fighter a way (ineffective but still...) to combat dragons up in the sky even though dragons are stupid to land wend guy is using swords :D

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Being thorough isn't the same as comprehensive or sound. Not a horrible post, mostly just overstated and really closer to opinion rather than anything worthy of definitive claims about what's broken or not.


The response here are excellent tho. Great posts, community!


Btw, it does seem really odd to say potions should be magic. Potions always feel almost like a rogue's way of playing unfair and to change the outcome and don't involve magic. Whenever I play a warrior or mage and use potions while the enemies don't, feels sneaky. Just saying.

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i read until i saw the giant wall of txt, then i threw up in my mouth.



learn to properly convey your thoughts into a readable forum post, else you will be hard pressed to find people willing to decipher your cryptic wall of nonsense.

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