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About djinx187

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  1. Using a mod manager or doing it the old fashioned say? Double check for folder in folders where they should for meshes and see if you got an extra folder layer where it shouldn't be like a doubled mesh/mesh folder or a data/data folder if that actually makes sense.
  2. Again in game programming dictates what they do the same way horses attack dragons and unarmed peasants in clothing attack dragons not what they would actually do. I'm pretty sure that if an unarmed peasant saw a dragon he would be brave enough to punch it. I've seen guards chase down and kill a chicken. I've seen guards watch people get slaughtered by bandits. Look at being a thane in a hold and pull off a crime what option becomes available when the guards talk to you? Pretty sure a thane is lower then a jarl and less known so I'm sure a Jarl could get away with a lot more. Higher ranking people can get away with more it's that simple. I'll even put it in gameplay terms. He killed one person for 1000 septim bounty he could of paid them off or told them he was a jarl. The written story and gameplay have two different sets of actions and consequences put in to them.
  3. Rarely until Ulfric and the Dragonborn do guards actually see people using shouts since the greybeards are on top of the mountain. So the Guards were more then likely in shock of seeing that. Sort of like a county sheriff sees his boss get mowed down by a guy with an assault rifle and in full tactical gear 99 times out of 100 that guy isn't going to try to move on the guy unless he is foolhardy or stupid. Let alone the fact that he is a Jarl would also add confusion. I can see it now the one guard who would have balls to actually say halt your under arrest to Ulfric. Halt! Ulfric your under arrest. Did you not see me knock the king down with my voice and stab him through the chest? Yeah. Did you not notice who I am Ulfric Stormcloak the Jarl of Windhelm? Oh I noticed So your going to presume to arrest a Jarl who knocked down a man with his own voice. You might wanna stand down there or an arrow in the knee isn't going to be your biggest problem. Have a nice day sir. or Halt! Ulfric your under arrest. Ulfric shouts guard drops to the ground and he gets stabbed in the chest. The guards dp not act the same way to the player as other people but I can spin it. After Ulfric shouted in public the guards became use to it and no longer are surprised. Since you can't request a duel it's straight up murder so you have no "but it was allowed a couple thousand years ago excuse." That and nobody in their right mind would agree to a duel with the dragonborn in the first place. Now why wouldn't they want to give a charismatic rebellion leader a trial. Hmm I just don't know making him a martyr is a bad idea. Treason in itself is usually an automatic death sentence(maybe lifetime imprisonment if your lucky and not in a movie or video game) Murder of a high ranking official is usually death unless your the player. Now for the evidence...... He leads the rebellion. He admits so himself which makes him a traitor to the Empire. He admits to killing the High King. Since dueling is against Imperial law guess that makes him a murderer as well. Old customs do not trump modern law. Skyrim is an Imperial province and follow Imperial law. People follow the laws and customs of the conquerors not the conquered and guess what in this case the Empire is the conquerors and Skyrim is the conquered. (By war or politics it makes no difference)
  4. I'd like to see something about finding a home for your tribe. A group from a vault, traders, or even tribals who had to move it doesn't really matter but the start is following old route 66 to chicago. Your all traveling heavy taking everything with you since this is going to be permanent. The player and a few people get sent out ahead to scout a bit. The player and the scouting party end up getting ambushed by something mutated that was orignally held in the zoo(honestly thinking mutated rhino attack would work well) and that's when the player and the rest of the scouting party get split up Now the player is pretty much boned and gets saved by the first faction that the player meets and they drag him to one Wrigley's and they explain the current situation in the area. Maybe a small preview of the factions and all that good stuff. The first main goal is to find your people then the 2nd goal is to find your scouting party then the third is to find a place for your people to live. It could be either joining with a current faction, making their own home, going to war with a faction and taking their land, or even send them to space :) or even being a prick and killing off your tribe. I figure chicago because its east enough to include new factions but close enough to both coasts to have some of the old factions. Something about seeing a small group of the Legion(not a major army just a small outpost or something) chilling at the Chicago Stadium would make me giggle a bit.
  5. They were thought to be spies for the Chinese and had to be slaughtered.
  6. How I see the whole Markarth thing from all of the ingame content is the Empire was having talks with the Forsworn so they wouldn't have sent troops because it would have defeated the whole purpose of the talks in the first place. Giving the Forsworn would have netted the Empire the Cidna mine which would have been a huge boost to Cyrodiil after the war. With the Silver-Bloods owning it they get nothing from it but a revolution and the Silver-Bloods lose it well it is fair game to the Empire to make a deal for it with the Forsworn. Cyrodiil really doesn't care if other provinces lose land as you can tell how the whole hammerfell deal went down. Igmund got wind of what they were doing and had to go to Ulfric to raise a militia to get his land. Igmund couldn't go to the Empire because they were making a deal with the Forsworn. He couldn't hire an army because his assets were tied in to the reach and he didn't have control over it. So he accepted Ulfrics terms for allowing the free worship of talos. When he did Ulfric freed the town. Igmund says we ingame. Since he is a jarl it could be put as the Empire but it could also be the Nords of the Reach. Now the Empire is kinda pissy since their plans were blown but decided to accept Ulfric's victory but they can't accept the whole free worship of talos thing which Ulfric throws a hissy and demands that it be done. Before the Legion actually gets in to the city Thonar throws Madenach in to the prison secretly so everybody assumes he is dead. The Empire agrees to his terms so they can actually get in mostly from a politics standpoint then an actual weakness of military. Attacking a Jarl and the son of a jarl wouldn't hold to well with the other jarls and could of made Skyrim leave the Empire prematurely. "grateful" isn't scare quotes it's complete sarcasm because they were not happy at all the Empire was trying to dick Skyrim but instead got dicked. Then the Thalmor caught wind of what was going and since they are the Empire's super supreme pointy eared overlords they decided to do something about it. So the Thalmor made the Empire and Igmund cancel the deal. Which Igmund really didn't care about because he got back what he wanted in the first place his land so throwing Ulfric in prison wasn't really a bad deal for him at all(Since Ulfric was running the show in Markarth). Which is why Igmund is for the Empire he got his power and land back and literally paid nothing. Now the Silver-Bloods are with the Stormcloaks because the Empire tried to jack their mine through politics and they know it. Ulric is the reason why they have their mines still.. everybody forgets the part in the book where the Forsworn "were making overtures to be recognized by the Empire as a legitimate kingdom." Which would explain why they didn't send in the Legion at first.
  7. You forget a few things. The jarl that lost the reach in the first place. The Empire working with the bretons to establish an independent kingdom for them. How much control of the resources do the Empire have of the mine now currently with the Silver-bloods who got to reclaim their mines when Ulfric took it back over. Why do you think Tuliius wants to get his hands on the deed for the mine's now? The Nords didn't want the Bretons to take over the reach for an independent kingdom while the Empire did so they got Ulfric to make a move before the Empire could make things happen. Independent Reach would have netted the Empire the mines Giving it back to the Nords would have netted them nothing. So yeah the Empire did get forced in to the deal but they really did deserve it for trying to screw the Nords out of their land in the first place.
  8. Got through the main quest once and the guild quests like 3 times maybe 100 or so hours clocked in to Skyrim and I'm sick of it already. Most of it was to see in game sources for topics brought up on this forum actually. All the quests feel the same. Kill stuff pick up something off of a dead body. TG ending quest in Oblivion fun feeling like a thief yet for Skyrim felt like just another quest from some random wizard in Markarth. The other guilds are meh. Maybe a handful of memorable quests and locations even less memorable characters. The world itself seems smaller and I rarely use a horse, or fast travel, or even carts. Most of it feels like avoiding mountains. Everything is just plain and bland besides the scenery. Nothing really covers up the faults like in the past games. (Insert any Fallout/ElderScrolls Game besides Skyrim here) had bugs and loads of crap wrong with it but at least it had something to make up for it. Since Skyrim is lacking everywhere being pretty only distracts from issues for so long. Honestly it feels like they just made a pretty game and decided to raid nexus for ideas so they could say hey guys we listen to your ideas.
  9. The relationship between the Empire and the Thalmor is rocky and anything that disturbs the balance is a benefit. The Thalmor presence in Skyrim isn't that large right now so taking it out while it is still small would reduce the influence they have there. The Empire would have to deal with the Thalmor who would be upset. That is the key part adding the elves in to the mix complicates things for the empire and puts more options on the table for the Stormcloaks. Who knows if the Thalmor were mad enough the Empire could of even renounced Skyrim or even started the war against the Thalmor. Both options to me are better then civil war even though that would still be a choice.
  10. Yes because I think it is a sick joke from Beth because their games crash so often its maddening. :biggrin:
  11. The worst monsters do not believe morality is a matter of opinion it is they believe differently in what is right or wrong. That is what made them monsters. They believe that it is morally acceptable to murder,rape,pillage,insert bad things here. It is their beliefs which make them monsters not that morality is only an opinion. so how do you define what is right and what is wrong? Who decides what is right and wrong? What makes something right or something wrong, the majority, the minority, the law, religion? If 99% of the world said it was ok to drag me out of my house and murder me would that make it right? ( my personal belief is a big no btw) If the law said the same thing would that make it right? ( yup still no for me) If it was written long ago in some old dusty book does that make it right? (again for me still a big fat no) If it was told in church would that make it right? ( would so avoid that church if they said that) The whole stormcloak/imperial thing I can't back the stormcloaks because I believe to attack the root of the problem(The Thalmor). The Stormcloaks are just getting in the way with a civil war. ClonePatrol's last paragraph pretty much sums up my belief very very nicely. Oh and can't forget Ulfric's track record for getting captured shortly after making a big play. Just seems like everything that guy touches just becomes worse off then before. All I can think about is if Skyrim is solo, Ulfric is High King, then toss in that odd tower theory that was going around, with his luck well the world would pretty much end. The whole extinction of mankind kinda puts the hold on freedom of religion. Can't pray to your gods if your dead. (Ok maybe not the best choice of words for the Elder Scrolls world considering souls go everywhere)
  12. Uhhh without the whole treaty/Impending war/Talos ban thing.... the whole fight for independence is a moot point. There would be no reason to want to leave the Empire if those things did not happen. The only ones who would benefit from a revolution from the Empire are the ones that are in power. Anybody who would benefit from becoming a new leader would be alright. Now the poor folk, the merchants and everybody else would get shafted esp people who deal business outside of skyrim. Trade and commerce would be pretty much destroyed. You leave an alliance like the Empire you expect them to just be happy and say oh yeah you can still trade with us it's all good. Times would get even more tough, Not to mention how are they going to protect themselves? Ok they have guards for their own holds but does Skyrim even have it's own standing army? The closest thing Skyrim would have is the Stormcloaks and well let's face it they really aren't all that up to snuff. Building it up to be an actual army that could actually defend itself from invasion would be a ton of work. All for what? A change on who they call their leader not even. They would still have to follow their High King, they would still have to follow their Jarls... So what would it exactly change? What would be the benefit? What would be the point?
  13. Couldn't kill him. Like him too much now after you play it through a few times the little guy grows on you. Even when bad stuff happens to him he sounds happy that attitude rubs off. His loyalty as well somebody like him would not turn on you unless you go against the Night Mother. If I could of I would have killed Astrid right after you become the listener just because of the whole I run this not the Night Mother thing.
  14. Seriously ask yourself two questions about the Markarth Incident and it will clear things up. 1. Who would gain the most out of a sanctioned Talos worship in Markarth lie? if the Nords gave the promise of talos worship what would they have gotten out of it? Jarl Igmund would have gotten control over his land back. A nice plot to remove the leader of the militia who if he tried to control the town. The Silver-Bloods got the silver mine back. As well as revenge for losing their land. Oh yeah added bonus pissing off the Empire and making a rebellion to boot. If the Empire gave the promise of talos worship what would they have gotten out of it? A war at worst a pissed off Thalmor and a pissed off Nords at best? That looks like the Nords to me. 2. Who would have gained the most out of an Independent Kingdom for the Brentons? The Nords would have gained nothing. The Empire would have gained a nice little ally and have access to the silver mines. That looks like a win for the Empire. Also look how the Empire reacted to Hammerfell's loss of land. They didn't do jack for them. What makes you think that they would go out of their way for Skyrim to get land back? Literally makes no sense whatsoever. Jarl Igmund's father lost the reach to the forsworn. It was his rule to be lost if the Brentons took control over the reach. That is more then enough reason alone to break a promise like that. Once you look at the motives behind what the people did then things become clear. Unless the Empire is really that retarded instead of being just sly and only thinking of themselves. Thinking that the Jarl Igmund's father was indeed in fact working on the Empire's behalf is what got Ulfric pissed off in the first place. Seems like it was a good enough trick to fool people outside of the game as well :P most of the info you get from the Jarl Igmund and his Uncle ingame with the book going about the peace treaty that and a little logic. ( the only guy who says the Empire is a stablehand.but with all of the info from the game The forsworn, Igmund, the Silverbloods, The Imperial Spy, even an exurb from the bear of Markarth about the treaty pushes it towards personal gain ) Now about the Dunmer... I just don't see it as being racist. Half of the Dunmer hate the other half of the Dunmer for the same exact reasons as the Nords of Windhelm do. Heck they even have a couple of Altmers going around living just fine after they earned the trust of the people. The Imperial spy line always cracks me up though because when you go upstairs in the New Gnisis Cornerclub what do you find up on the 2nd floor. -edit doh messed up incident with confusing Igmund's father with Igmund but it still leads to the same thing. Loss of land and rule.
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