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Hair Port


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I've been trying to do this for a couple of days now, and it's really just beyond me. After using NIFscope to no avail and then installing blender, which told me to install python, and then all of a sudden I can't even open .nif files with nifscope anymore, I just surrendered.


Could someone convert a particular hairstyle in Anthony Lings Coiffure mod found in Fallout 3 to Skyrim? I know it can be done (The new coolsims hair pack proves it), I just want a .nif to use as a replacement. I have the .nif I want to convert already, if someone could be so kind to give me a private message, I could send you the file to convert it. I'm remiss to upload the file or to ask that it be uploaded since I don't have the author's permission to redistribute, this is just for me.


If you're up to it and have Lings Coiffure already, the .nif I want to convert is named roomhair4m.nif. It's the spikey haired one.


I would really appreciate it. Nobody responds to my posts when I ask for a push in the right direction or some instruction, so I figure I'll give a request one last try before deciding that the hair is really not worth the time anymore.

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Are you running Vista? I'll assume the answer is yes, considering I had the same hell to pay before I reformatted and shut down the automatic updates before they could do any damage. :D


Delete all your versions of NifSkope and grab the latest beta version. Completely bypass Blender, you won't need it. The current beta has Skyrim support, so you should be able to just copy/paste the shader properties from an existing Skyrim hair mesh to the Ling's replacement.

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Ok, I've done that, so Nifscope is up again, and I can open both the Lings and the existing Skyrim mesh. I'm not sure what you mean though, by copy/pasting shader properties. Where do I find those, and do I simply copy them onto the Lings replacement, and that's it, just replace the file?
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On the hair mesh, you have the initial #NiTriShape, then the NiTriShapeData. Below the Data line you have those shader properties. You will need to remove them (one is permanently gone in Skyrim) and copy branch from an existing hair mesh, the BBSLightingShaderProperty so it retains its BSShaderTextureSet and paste this branch into your NiTriShape. In the latest NifSkope it will go right into place.

Now expand the new lines and click on your texture set, go into the lower properties window and replace the textures and test... it should work.

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I hate to be difficult here, but I'm still having, well, difficulties. I see everything you're talking about, I located the BSLightingShaderProperty and it's subsequent BSShaderTextureSet in the original .nif, and the BSShaderPPLightingProperty (Differently named) and it's subsequent BSShaderTextureSet (Named the same). But, when I remove the BSShaderTextureSet from the original, and attempt to copy and paste the branch from what I want to replace the original with, the new branch tacks on at the very end, not under BSLightingShaderProperty. If I try to replace BSLightingShaderProperty with the ner BSShaderPPLightingProperty, I get the error:


""invalid array size for array" "Extra Data List""

""array Extra Data List invalid""


and it still tacks on at the very end, not within the branch. I have the latest nifskope, so I'm not sure why it won't go where I want it to.


And then, if I get that resolved, I'm still not very clear on what to do afterwards. How exactly do I go about replacing the texture? Is that the NiTriShapeData branch underneath the initial NiTriShape? If so, where is its property window?



Even if this doesn't work out though, thank you so much for responding, I really do appreciate it.

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Have you ever read the tutorials on this? They explain exactly what you just asked in great detail. :P


After you have removed the old shader properties and have pasted in the new ones, click on the NiTrishape again and scroll down to the bottom of its properties list and expand BS Properties. Double click the first 'None' and type in the number the shader property currently has and hit Enter.


After that, expand the shader property to get to the texture property, click that, then in the lower window expand the only drop down arrow there is. It says Textures.

It has a mouse over help if you are in doubt as to where each texture should go. Usually they just have the diffuse and normal. Double click the existing texture name and change the name and path if need be and hit Enter.


You may need to open the Ling hair, export the obj, then open a Skyrim hair mesh and import the obj into it, then set it up with the proper shaders to get it to work.

Edited by Mr. Dave
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