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getting two armor mods to work together


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Anyone know how to get Legendary Armor - Bikini and Sexy Vanilla Female Armor to not write over the later? Sence Legendary has yet to have a skimpy Elven armor i want to use the sexy female armor mod to change that texture while equipping the Bikini armor to my main and other followers. Also is there anyone willing to change the sexy female armor to CBBE add HDT or TBBP? Right now if I have Bikini armor and Sexy Female Armor working at the same time I don't see the Sexy Armor meshes when I equip Vanilla armor.

Edited by Mageman1842
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If you are talking about doing something along the lines of http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/22168/? or http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/64699/? , you can change the body slot the armors use in CK or Tes5Edit to make one act as clothing. You will also have to change the body slot in the .nif file or the armor will not appear (be invisible)

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