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weird head skin color bug


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Hey guys, I ran into this bug where my characters face textures dont match up/ are discolored. Is this a common issue and is there a fix ? picture with bug is at the bottom of my post.

Load order :

0 0 Fallout4.esm

1 1 ArmorKeywords.esm
2 2 Homemaker.esm
3 3 Companion Infinite Ammo.esm
4 4 GlovesOfTheCommonwealth.esp
5 5 KelloggArm.esp
6 6 Funeyes.esp
7 7 Scrap Everything - Core.esp
8 8 FogOut.esp
9 9 FogOut-Interiors.esp
10 a Depth of Field Removal.esp
11 b DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp
12 c KSHairdos.esp
13 d AzarPonytailHairstyles.esp
14 e HairVariations_YoungAtHeart.esp
15 f VisibleWeapons.esp
16 10 Friffy_Holstered Weapons.esp
17 11 Rebuilt_HomePlate.esp
18 12 ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp
19 13 UniqueUniques.esp
20 14 Rangergearnew.esp
21 15 SatelliteWorldMap.esp
22 16 Armorsmith Extended.esp
23 17 zgcshadowscarf.esp
24 18 ASCOCait02.esp
25 19 ASCODanse01.esp
26 1a No more monochrome - Color setting for the Pipboy!.esp
27 1b Ish's Respec Mod.esp
28 1c SuperAffinity.esp
29 1d NoAffinityCooldown.esp
30 1e LongerPowerLines3x.esp
31 1f BrighterSettlementLights.esp
32 20 BetterJunkFences.esp
33 21 UncappedSettlementSurplus.esp
34 22 Homemaker - Streetlights Use Passive Power.esp
35 23 Homemaker - Unlocked Institute Objects.esp
36 24 Unlimited Sprint.esp
37 25 dD-Enhanced Blood Basic.esp
38 26 dD - Screen Blood Duration Long.esp
39 27 CompanionsGoHome_A.esp
40 28 AutoUnequipPipboy.esp
41 29 Clean Water - Clear.esp
42 2a DarkerNights.esp
43 2b WO-ScarH.esp
44 2c WO-USAS.esp
45 2d WO-G3.esp
46 2e WO-AK47.esp
47 2f WO-G20.esp
48 30 WO-L96.esp
49 31 WO-M82.esp
50 32 Wasteland Ordnance Merged.esp
51 33 The Rebel.esp
52 34 P220.esp
53 35 SettlersRename.esp
54 36 MiscHairstyle.esp
55 37 DX Commonwealth Shorts.esp
56 38 DX Vault Girl Shorts.esp
57 39 def_inv_scrap_en.esp
58 3a Cait Bandolier Standalone.esp
59 3b Crafting Workbench.esp
60 3c Cait Bandolier Craftable - Crafting Workbenches.esp
61 3d Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp
62 3e Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp
63 3f EveryonesBestFriend.esp
64 40 Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp
65 41 SynthHand.esp
66 42 Crimsomrider's Tomb Raider Accessories.esp
67 43 Eli_Faction Housing Overhaul - Railroad HQ.esp
68 44 SSEX.esp
69 45 el_AgentOutfit.esp
70 46 railroad_uniform.esp
71 47 railroad_uniform_leveledList.esp
72 48 PowerArmorVoiceFX.esp
73 49 M9.esp
74 4a Maxson_Cape.esp


Edited by Guest
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I see that same issue occasionally, I have nearly 300 mods installed and playing nice so I haven't wanted to mess with anything trying to narrow it down.


I can say that of the mods you listed about all that I have in common and that I would suspect are KSHairdos or AzarPonytails.

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Looks like a facetint data glitch. We had a similar bug Skyrim all the time. It usually happens because of mods that alter NPCs' appearances. If it's happening consistently to specific characters all the time, it's probably because the mod doesn't have the data the game needs to render the face correctly, which is something the mod author probably needs to look at, but sometimes just opening up the file in GECK can tinkering with the affected NPC's face a bit can refresh the data and fix the bug. In the case of a player character, it's probably happening because of a skintone/makeup mod, be it one that you have installed currently or one that you have uninstalled without removing it from your character's face. You might try opening LooksMenu and messing around with it there.

Edited by TheSpaceShuttleChallenger
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