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Map Notes


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I'd like to be able to place markers on the map. Typically, when pursuing a quest, I get sidetracked because of some new tower, cave, etc. and then my quest gets delayed. Being able to mark locations with comments such as "check out this cave", or "unexplored town", etc would be very useful and I could return to those places when I had time. Also useful to mark places where you may have had to drop some stuff due to being overloaded and then finding that spot after divesting yourself of some weight in a store. You could also use it to mark places where you can get good prices or where you can sharpen your tools. There was a mod in WOW that allowed us to do this and found it very handy.
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as its a functional thing, i think you would need at least a script extender like SKSE, then there's the problem you would have to convert the swf-files or at least extract the action script from it. And then the real fun starts, because you need to be comfortable wit ActionScript...


Unluckily, it is not the usual copy paste thing like with any texture mod...

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I'd like to think the coding for the notes themselves wouldn't be anything more complicated than a set of coordinates and the text of the note, which doesn't need to be anything more complicated than very simple unicode text*. The trick, I would assume, would be getting THAT information into the game, and placed where it would do any good.



* (Smilies and icons for Danger, Safe, Loot, Here There Be Dragons, etc. would be fun but not vital.)

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