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Disable plants/ore/etc.


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Hiya there.


I'm considering learning how to wrestle with the Creation Kit, but before I do I thought I would check that what I was thinking of doing was actually technically possible. Because I can't help but feel that someone would have done it by now if it was.


Game stability has been one of the big challenges for me on running modded skyrim, and I am probably not the only person.


The MineOreFurnature script always seems to be showing up in my savegames with a high number of instances, and I'm not a huge fan of player crafting anyways because:

  • I'm a hero Jim, not a carpenter. I get that i'm some legendary prodigy who can excell at anything they want, but a couple of weeks after I arrive in town and I'm a better blacksmith than Eorland Graymane with his famous skyforge steel? Really?
  • It seems to make the difficulty curve cry. Pretty sure I shouldn't be able to one shot Alduin just because I made some post legendarily sharped daggers.


Which brings me onto my questions:

  1. Can I just disable all the plants/mines/forges etc in Skyrim? Leave the textures in place so the model is still there, but remove the ability to interact with them?
  2. If I do, will I free up some resouce overhead on my computer? I mean, that's an awful lot of objects that arn't actually doing anything any more.
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Ore veins are a two object process. There is the activator which has the visual components and the script MineOreScript. Then there is the furniture marker which determines which animation is used when activating the vein and it has the MineOreFurnitureScript. There is communication between the two scripts so you cannot remove one without removing the other. Then you would run into issues where you add a mod which possibly moves some veins or makes other edits, suddenly you would have that script in use again. Such a scenario might not be good.


What the scripts are doing isn't that much at all unless one actually uses the veins. The only reason they are being listed is because their objects were loaded. Sure, if you strip the scripts it might cut down on resources loaded but I don't think it would make a measurable difference in the game.


It is a concern for compatibility that such an idea has not been done before. Not that it is not possible.


Easiest solution is to simply ignore that they are there. Just because there are veins, you don't have to mine them.

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I was curious if I could edit/overide the base objects that are presumably referenced in game.


Ie: remove the reference of MineOreScript / MineOreFurnitureScript from Iron Ore Type1.


So MineOreScript and MineOreFurnitureScript still exist, but don't get called when a cell loads or you click on Iron Ore Type1.


And yes, I could (and do mostly) just ignore them. But the idea occured that there might actually be advantages to removing that functionality from the game - and that, if I could simply edit the base objects and remove the 'mine ore' property from them, it might not be too hard to do.


But it also occured that it probably wasn't quite that easy :wink:

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