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To Choppy to even get past the new game intro


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So i bought Skyrim today and installed it smoothly with a new steam account. I started it up and the logo looked to run smooth in low/medium quality, couldn't expect much more with my 2.53 GHZ i3 , win 7, 4gs ram,with some integrated dell vieocard. All is fine untill i click new game and everything in the cut scene and game is majorly choppy and totally unplayable.


done the following:


updated direct x

disabled v sync

enabled / disabled antianalyzing

installed the minor webs and gfx patch

updated to 1.3.x

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Your integrated gpu wont cut it. Do you have enough money to upgrade? If you do tell us what the budget is and Im sure we can find you something that will give you the most bang for your buck.


If that is out of the question someone might be able to help you optimize your game for the lowest of all low settings beyond what you can set in the games launcher with things like .ini tweaks and even lower res textures etc. Your game WILL look like utter crap but you might, just maybe, be able to pull it off. This is normally the opposite of what most people try to do with their game so Im unfamiliar with tweaks like this. Post back and someone might be able to help you out. I know what its like to buy an awesome looking game only to find out I cant run it. Good luck. :turned:

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