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Companion that can ride on you with the horse.


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Was playing Skyrim the other day and thought to myself "Man it would be cool if Companions could ride with you on your mount." So I was wondering if someone could make this mod when the CK comes out. Just the companion like wrapping her/his arms around your waist while you ride xD.


Also probably a kissing mod, probably...........I wanna kiss Aela.............

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I was actually just thinking about this as well. The first time I bought a horse, I tried to get Lydia to ride it by clicking on her, then clicking the horse, but she attacked and killed it! I had to reload a previous save. I'd like a mod where they either ride on the horse with you, or they ride on a separate horse and follow you. I don't even bother with followers anymore because every time I get on a horse, my follower gets left in the dust.
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Yes Please! :D

I always feel like the ice queen when I get on my horse and my companion is left to just run behind me. Then I have to wait for his slow butt to catch up when i get where I'm going.

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I just "stole" a horse from a hostile humanoid and then mounted it. Then I noticed my companion wont get on... this is a NEEDED mod. Someone make it, I have +1 endorsement to give to whoever makes it ;)


The things game developers overlook; I swear the skip some stuff because they want the modding community to have plenty to make, heh =P

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