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More than one mod touching same location... How does it work?

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I know that you can have lots of mods add new things to the same cell. Tons of mods add followers to inns, for example.


What I want to do is add a new Location Ref to multiple locations. I want to label all those forgotten journals with a locRef to add them to the radiant quest system to collect them all like an Easter Egg hunt.


My question is, since I've never edited a cell that somebody else has already editted, what happens when I add my LocRef to (for example) the notes in the Abandoned Prison? Live Another Life already edits the Abandoned Prison. Can they work together like multiple followers added to inns, or will there be a conflict? LAL has those same notes but without my LocRef...

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Any changes made to the cell properties itself will count as an edit to that cell Form, so if you change the Loc on a cell, it will cause conflict with any mod that adjusts lighting for instance. Also a lot of fixes in USLEEP change the region weather settings of various cells; that would also conflict. I think that even placing an item will adopt the vanilla cell settings and hence require another mod loaded after it to change anything, but not 100% certain on that. I just notice that I have had to carry forward several USLEEP property changes because I've placed a single item into a vanilla cell. So I think it's true.


I would be careful about changing location data though on vanilla content. Doing so can break it for radiant content and also any script that may need to poll for LocRef as part of quest functions and such.

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That's what I thought. Too bad. It sucks though, because that means you can tie into the vanilla radiant system but not add your own. That makes mod conflicts very limiting.


To achieve the same effect, I could make my own dead adventurer journals and place them in my own dungeons, but they won't have the same pizazz as finding Bethesda's.


Thanks for the comment/advice.

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