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Sudden Change in finisher POV


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I was really hoping to avoid starting a thread about this but I cant seem to find any clear info on this either here or elsewhere on the web, so here it goes.


I play almost exclucivelly in 3rd person and up until now i have yet to see a 1st person finisher (character lv 56, literally hundreds of finisher executions). However today 1st person finishers started triggering for the first time on my dual wield assassin.


I have no idea what could possibly be causing this, I recently made a new pair of blades, but I also tested with my old bladed and they also now trigger 1st person finishers. I would say about a quarter of the time it goes to 1st while the rest of the time its the usual 3rd.


So ya do you guys have any idea what could be causing this sudden change, or if there is any console command that could help? This is driving me so crazy that I literally can not play the game, I am on the verge of turning off finishers entirely despite the fact that I enjoy them tremendously.

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I play about 50/50 1st/3rd person... and I've noticed this too.



Seems as though I'm getting more 1st person finishers when they should be 3rd person animations.


I think the 1st person finisher animations look stupid, and they lock my screen / character after completion for about 2 or 3 seconds... and it's very frustrating.

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