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fuknexusmods - BANNED

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fuknexusmods banned.

Reason for the ban
a) Inappropriate user name.
b) Obnoxious commenter:


This mod is for pussies


"Now Included in the Wasteland Ordnance Mod, this files will not longer be update all future updates will be made in the Wasteland Ordnance Mod."
Well f*** you too.


No offense pal, this mod is shitty.


I've read the readme, and I've seen you're whinning and begging our money and insulting us.
Quit your bitching, and why would you upload this mod then? Get a f***ing job, idiot.

I think we will do just fine without your input.

Our warning system
The Nexus staff may issue informal and formal warnings to users who break our terms of service and rules. However in cases where a severe breach of our rules has occurred users may be banned irrespective of whether the user has previously been warned. To clarify; moderators are not required to warn a user before they are banned. Such cases where instant bans can be handed out include piracy, profanity laden personal insults, threats of real-world violence, intentional violation of copyright laws/mod authors right to control the use and distribution of their mods. Informal warnings may be handed out for minor infractions or in cases where it is clear that a rule was misunderstood.

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