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Question about "Override without conflict"


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Hello, fellow modders!


I am making a patch in FO4edit to merge and enforce changes of different mods which add conflicting changes.

However, I've come to an uncertainty regarding empty records.


In the example pictured, there is a weapon property in Fallout4.esm that has been removed from/not added to WeaponJamsV1.5.esp


Is the blank weapon property of WeaponJamsV1.5.esp considered by the game as an empty space to fill with Fallout4.esm's weapon property, or a property it should disregard as an empty space, thereby voiding the one given by Fallout4.esm?


Many thanks,




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I know the answer may be simple, but it is not fully obvious to me as the words used for these cases confuse the definition of what the specific outcome is.


Would an obvious test like making one weapon in the game a ridiculous amount of damage then overrided with an empty record (how does it not conflict if it overrides?) work to show me the answer?

Edited by Arpaleggia
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All mods conflict with the Fallout for master, it's really what overrides are. so in this case what will happen is (and I don't know the mod in question and can't see enough to know what that property is really doing)


the mod is telling the game that the property in Fallout.esm does not exist so it will be ignored by the game.

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