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Extremely long load times, even on an SSD.


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We're talking about 30 seconds to 1 minute + for a zone transition from anywhere indoors to anywhere outside. Outside to inside zone transitions load like they should, or less than 5 seconds. I recently got back into FA4, and never remember load times being this grueling. 30 sec load times are absolutely unacceptable, and is over the line for what I personally consider tolerable. This is a relatively new PC. The last straw was when I exited a building in the middle of Boston, and I clocked the load screen at 1 minute 14 seconds. So I'm not exaggerating the load times at all, if anything I'm underestimating them. The load time was so long, that I assumed the game probably crashed, and if it took 2 seconds longer I was going to tab out and close the game. This is unplayable.


Is there a simple cause/fix for this? I can't find a topic related to this that isn't 1 year old, and I never had any problems running FA4 previously. I couldn't find any discussions about this particular subject that pin pointed anything conclusive as to the cause, or any sort of fix for this.


Again, FA4 never used to do this. I can replicate this problem on 2 different PCs. This issue happens with or without mods, and regardless of any of the graphics settings.


I just want to know if there is something screwed up in one of the .ini files that can cause this, or if there is a modification I can manually add that can solve this issue.

Edited by Beriallord
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how much main memory do you have

16GBs DDR4 Memory.


I got a sneaking suspicion that one of the .ini files is the cause, but I've already deleted those, and loaded the game up and redid all my settings.


Documents/settings/FA4 - there are 3 .ini files in here that I deleted and booted the game to redo all my settings. Are there any others that could potentially cause issues?

Edited by Beriallord
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It's actually the memory of your video card that matters on this, not your system RAM. Weather mods and some texture mods can also contribute to longer load times. You say you're getting this even without any mods, was that on a clean save that had never been modded from the beginning?


I've always had significant problems with CTD's since I first started playing this game back in February. In recent months after a significant update to the weather mod my load times also got ridiculously long, and that's if I didn't CTD on loading screens (which was also extremely common). I uninstalled the weather mod I'd been using from day one and that probably cut 85% of my CTDs and load screen issues. I don't blame the weather mod specifically so much as I blame my lower end video card for not being able to handle it well. Most users don't have the issues I did, so it was my system's fault, not the mod author or the quality of the mod.

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My load-in times in this game have not changed going from a WD 5tb Black to a SSD. It seemed faster before the last DLC. Then I used a WD Raptor.


I have tested with 2 computers as well. One with an i7 & GTX 1080 & the other with an i7 & 2 GTX 980 tis. Both with 1tb SSDs.


These slow load-in times are the same at 1080, 1440 & 4k.


My vram usage is 4.2gbs on new saves & 5.2gbs on old saves. Load-in times are the same.


By contrast Skyrim SE is lightning fast at loading.


The game has never been fast on load-ins but it is the only game that has not benefitted from my SSD upgrade.



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