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Making only certain types of weapon damage an enemy


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Hi there, hope the CK wizards here can help me puzzle this one out.


I'm working on a mod and part of it involves creating some new enemies for the player to fight. The trouble is, I want these enemies to be practically invincible unless the player is using a certain type of weapon.


So if I want Ice Zombie to only be killable with, say, ebony weapons - how would I go about doing that in the CK? I've been playing around with weapon stats and item keywords, but I can't figure it out. I feel like all the "ingredients" to the solution are there, I just need help with the method.


Any assistance would greatly appreciated!



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Event OnHit(ObjectReference Attacker, Form akSource, Projectile abProjectile, bool abPowerAttack, bool abSneakAttack, bool abBashAttack, bool abHitBlocked)

If((Attacker as Actor).GetEquippedItemType(0)==(7)) ; <- bow

If((Attacker as Actor).IsEquipped(ForswornArrow))

this may help get you started ... script goes on the enemy testing for when hit
Edited by NexusComa
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The problem with using any script-based approach is that the script inevitably fires only after the target has already been hit. I would advise using a perk instead. You can use the Mod Incoming Damage entry point with a keyword condition on the Weapon tab to reduce all damage that doesn't have the WeapMaterialEbony keyword to 0.





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