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If there is anyone here who knows the ins and outs of dialogue it would be Emma (over 5000 lines of dialogue for her Companion Vilja mod if I recall correctly). She's busy getting to know Skyrim, but is still actively working on her Oblivion mods too. Her mods are all well documented ... you could try looking through her Vilja customization documents for pointers.


Other than a few mentions related to dialogue in the CS Wiki articles for Simple Companion Tutorial, Race creation tutorial and A beginner's guide, lesson 6 (see the section called 'Two Problems' half way down the page) the only tutorial I recall seeing is Dialogue Tutorial ... not sure if you've already seen it or if it will help.

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Ok, so I got the Construction Set 1.2 installed and the Extender. When I open it up, a little window pops up telling me that LIP service will be unavailable. I know that in the instructions, it says to follow steps 2 and 3 to enable Lip Sync, but those steps aren't there. Will look around to see if I can find them on the website.


EDIT: I just noticed when opening up the Edit Response window after double clicking dialogue, it shows a list of the different races and their paths. What I noticed is that is shows Drow elves, with an N under lip. Could that be the cause of why this npc's lips don't move when playing the game?

Edited by AlbinoFoxRacer
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