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[LE] Scene question

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So I have this guided tour that my museum curator does every 3 days and walks the NPC's around the museum between the different galleries. Issue is though if you don't go into the next cell before him or right after he does, you miss all of the scene that happens in the cell, and if you DO go into the cell late he pops out and the scene skips over each phase from there on out and the tour ends.


Is there some way to manage a scene so that it continues to play out even if you are not there? as far as pacing and such goes to where you can walk into a cell and see the tour going in progress? Seems like the only way it plays out fully and correctly is if you stay right on him.


Anyone really savvy with scene work?

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Guest deleted1850964

Use phases and conditions I generally use xmarkers and check that myself and NPC are < distance 2~300 for phase to complete. Think of them as checkpoints - for your tour just use the < distance for the npc doing the tour.


This page contains all you need :- http://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=Bethesda_Tutorial_Scenes

Edited by tension69
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Guest deleted1850964

Yeah but that would actually force the NPC's to wait around until the player comes in. Maybe I could set up a condition for if the player is present to continue and if not wait X seconds and then proceed? Basically I'd like the scene time to pass normally even if the player is not present

No, if the NPC is within the distance to the marker, the phase ends and they can then proceed to next marker using the next package. Done loads of scenes like this :)

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