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[WIP] The Legend of Winterhold


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Due to RL issues and lack of modellers the project will no longer be active.





After completing the College of Winterhold questline, you wear your new robe and look at your college,

which BTW has only 3 students, and think: "Now what ?" . From now on you have a solution ! Rebuild the College

of Winterhold and return it to its full glory !


Additionally, when you play Skyrim as a mage, you dont feel anything special about that. If everythings goes alright

with the main futures of the mod, we'll solve that problem too :) . The mod is not only built to increase the size

of the college or add additional headaches to the archmage, but to improve the magical experience in various ways




This project is not so small ,so I will need assistance with it. Im searching for people with some sort of

experience with modding.



Edited by Iv121
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That's a very good idea, there's not much to do after you become archmage.


One question: Will you expand on that Great Collapse deal? It WAS strange that only the College stood firm when half the city fell.

And, as archmage, you can work to improve the nords opinion on the mages.


Nevertheless, good luck with your project. Hope you find a good team.

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That's a very good idea, there's not much to do after you become archmage.


One question: Will you expand on that Great Collapse deal? It WAS strange that only the College stood firm when half the city fell.

And, as archmage, you can work to improve the nords opinion on the mages.


Nevertheless, good luck with your project. Hope you find a good team.


As much as I like the idea of a storyline about the great collapse, it was a sufficiently large mystery that I think there's a very good chance one of the DLC will be about it and it would be really sad if that happened and this mod was almost done. D:


That said I do think this will be a very interesting project and as a magic enthusiast I will definitely be following it!

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I actually think there is a clue about the great collapse. I believe that Tolfdir could relate to the collapse as the "accident" when he talks about Augur of Dunlain (That entity you find in a closed room in the midden). It could explain the reason why the archmage forbids to talk about him. It could be also just a random experiment that went wrong . Thx for the support anyway :) .
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As much as I like the idea of a storyline about the great collapse, it was a sufficiently large mystery that I think there's a very good chance one of the DLC will be about it and it would be really sad if that happened and this mod was almost done. D:


That's true, but Bethesda left half the plotlines of the game open, really. Just from the top of my head, there's the Thalmor, the aftermath of the Imperial/Stormcloak conflict, the Blades/Paarthurnax deal, the resolution of the Dark Brotherhood questline (you know what I mean). What I'm trying to say is, don't be held back by what Bethesda may do in the future, just let your creativity flow.



Not that I'm telling you how to run your mod, please don't get me wrong.

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I also think about adding more uses to Geode ore (that ore which you mine and get soul gems. It can be possible to replace the soul gems with Geode ore that you can use to create soul gems and magical weapons and armor (also adds a use to the arcane blacksmith perk). It can be possible to add the great collapse issue .
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s*** this looks great, I was hoping to make a Winterhold Rebuilt mod, were as archmage you can get a bunch of people with telekinesis to bring winterhold back up. Or for non-mage characters become jarl of winterhold when the other one dies either in some accident, fight or DB contract, then rebuild it. Well if I ever get of my lazy ass and do that I'll try to make it compatible with this.
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Updated futures list . Im still searching for people to assist me in my project, I won't be able to do it all alone (or at least do it high quality ). I will need at least help with modeling o_O (I guess Ill hangle the scripts). I'll be glad to any other help though . If you want to join me , leave a comment here or PM me .
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I would help you :D But i have no expiriences and my english is more worse than god :D

(greetings from Germany)

I don't know if this idea was allredy said here, but if you rebuild the Akademy, maybee you want to rebuild the town two, so that the Akademy get's more Person on there Pro side :D

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