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[WIP] The Legend of Winterhold


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A long, long time ago in Cyrodil I made a custom companion mod of essentially a half human / half daedra creature, that followed you home after you sprung her from Oblivion. The only thing significant about the character was that she communicated primarily with hand signals, only when you could see her of course. She'd point at her eyes, hold up from one to four fingers (or a clenched fist to mean more than four), and then point to the nearest of the enemies. All without attracting unwanted attention to you. I also made her walk to your side instead of following behind you so she wasn't getting in the way of the 3rd person camera all the time ...


In order to make the mod, I had to work out many issues concerning custom animations, especially synching animations between two or more characters. There were some bugs in the engine concerning transporting characters out when an Oblivion gate closed, but it more or less worked.


So I'd like to see how much of that I could bring forward into Skyrim, and I'd be interested in working on expanding the College as well.


But I'm wondering how anyone is doing any plot related mods without the CS ... naturally, I just used the one Bethesda so thoughtfully provided for Oblivion, but how are people doing .esp mods now? It may make more sense to just wait for the release but I'd like to get started with some smaller trial projects immediately if I could.

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I would help you :D But i have no expiriences and my english is more worse than god :D

(greetings from Germany)

I don't know if this idea was allredy said here, but if you rebuild the Akademy, maybee you want to rebuild the town two, so that the Akademy get's more Person on there Pro side :D


Yea I thought about that too. Did you work with any kind of 3D modeling program or wrote scripts for anything ? (or maybe programs ?). I understand you didnt make mods for TES games before...


If you want to learn the creation kit (the tool we use to make mods) Ill start with the previous version of it , TES construction set . If you type "TES construction set tutorials" in google you should get plenty of results. The TES construction set (Or creation kit for skyrim) is basically the tool that bethesda used to create skyrim. This January we should get our hands on its copies (It will be free to download from their official site when its out) . If you are a German-Russian immigrant by any chance I can point you to some nice tutorials, if not ... well you can always find some on the internet. I can assist you with learning when the Creation kit is out , and you will help me to work on on my project :) .



Just an idea but you should contact midas. He made the huge midas magic mod back in oblivion. He could probably contribute a great deal to this.


Ill definitly do it when I have my first release ready (Im actually sure he's nick is not midas, it was the charecter's name ingame, or maybe Im wrong ? o_O )


A long, long time ago in Cyrodil I made a custom companion mod of essentially a half human / half daedra creature, that followed you home after you sprung her from Oblivion. The only thing significant about the character was that she communicated primarily with hand signals, only when you could see her of course. She'd point at her eyes, hold up from one to four fingers (or a clenched fist to mean more than four), and then point to the nearest of the enemies. All without attracting unwanted attention to you. I also made her walk to your side instead of following behind you so she wasn't getting in the way of the 3rd person camera all the time ...


In order to make the mod, I had to work out many issues concerning custom animations, especially synching animations between two or more characters. There were some bugs in the engine concerning transporting characters out when an Oblivion gate closed, but it more or less worked.


So I'd like to see how much of that I could bring forward into Skyrim, and I'd be interested in working on expanding the College as well.


But I'm wondering how anyone is doing any plot related mods without the CS ... naturally, I just used the one Bethesda so thoughtfully provided for Oblivion, but how are people doing .esp mods now? It may make more sense to just wait for the release but I'd like to get started with some smaller trial projects immediately if I could.



Well, currently you simply can't. most of the mods you see are retextures. Ill be glad to have you on my side with that project if you're interested. It seems like I menage to put up a team together :) .

Edited by Iv121
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I was able to create houses with the morrowind construktion set, an i was able to use things in the oblivion creation set, but nothing over build some nice houses or, some waterfalls etc, never was able to create something like real mountains and so on.

and, i thing i'll find some tuts in the internet, but have to maid my abitur ;) so i don't know hw much time i would have ;)

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The basic functions are quite easy to catch. Its like lego professional version :) . The more advenced functions such as scripting will require more of your time ...

Do you have any experience with modeling ? Anyway I'll PM you when the CK is out so we can begin working :) .

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I'll refer you to the suggestions I posted more than a month ago.


Don't get me started on the Mage College.


* Students of magic should be hustling and bustling their way through the hallways and corridors (be they court mages-in-training for the Jarl or Imperials looking to apply their skills when rejoining the army.)

* The teachers should have their own homes off campus, not sleeping in their small rooms like a sleepy-time village.

* The students should have to sleep in those cramped facilities.

* NPCs should be randomly giving lectures, demonstrating magic, and generally experimenting with spells (basically what's been going on during your quests but practiced by others.)

* Conjuration students should be walking with Atronochs or their Dead Thralls.

* Destruction students should be practicing their spells on Restoration students using Wards.

* Illusion students should be turning invisible, provoking guards, and calming them again.

* Alteration students should be practicing their Skin spells with Conjuration student's Bound Weapons.

* Tests should be handed out by facility or student-to-student quizzing Players on random spell names/facts and are awarded skillpoints for passing (or decay for failing.)

* The Nords should be petitioning the Mage against abstain from raiding their burial grounds, this could lead to conflict and high quality quest material.

* The researchers should be launching excavations to ancient Dwemer ruins, Nord burial grounds, and sites of interest.

* The researches should be tasking students to hunt local animals (or Werewolves and Vampires) for their projects.


Yes, massive suggestion, but right now the Mages College doesn't feel like a College -- it's more like a hospice for practitioner's of magick.

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