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Mass (con) fusion


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Sorry about the awful pun ! I have never done the Railroad ending before but, having been told I need to continue doing Institute missions until further notice, I am now at the point where I go to the mass fusion building with Allie Fillmore. I know this makes me an enemy of the BOS but does it jeopardise the Railroad ending?
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Yes, should be fine. You need to do this mission and betray the BoS in order to maintain your cover as an Institute supporter. That is assuming you have already started "Underground Undercover" with the Railroad. You then just work with the Institute up until "Powering Up", then the Underground Undercover mission will start up again, and you continue with Railroad stuff. Hopefully that clears things up.


You can read about it if you want more info. This mission has a lot of stages to it, and kind of suspends itself for a bit too at one point.


Underground Undercover:


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It seems I have blown it. After Mass Fusion it appears (from a walkthrough) I was supposed to be advised by a Synth to go back to my room but it appears I missed that and have completed the quest "Pinned". Suppose I will have to load a saved game to escape Shaun's creepy clutches.

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Darn. That's weird that didn't happen. I suppose reloading is the only way at this point. I know you're supposed to be approached by a Synth right when Shaun calls you up to discuss something. It should be in regards to the quest I mentioned earlier, "Powering Up". Did you get that far, and it still didn't happen? Also, you're certain you started "Underground Undercover" for the Railroad?

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Darn. That's weird that didn't happen. I suppose reloading is the only way at this point. I know you're supposed to be approached by a Synth right when Shaun calls you up to discuss something. It should be in regards to the quest I mentioned earlier, "Powering Up". Did you get that far, and it still didn't happen? Also, you're certain you started "Underground Undercover" for the Railroad?


I was drinking some wine in the real world :laugh: so I must have missed the synth. I definitely started Underground Undercover , killed the tunnel guards etc.

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Well , I got it completed eventually but I must say the BOS ending was much more satisfying. The scene with Patriot's suicide note completely threw me - it sounded as though Desdemona was blaming herself and even more me, though I was just following her orders. Bad piece of scripting.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Sadly the writing quality at Bugthesda was lacking when it came to FO4. Three of the 4 endings are essentially the same (flashbacks of ME3's Red, Green, Blue anyone?) And lets be honest there are more holes in the plots of the various factions, than a cheese grater!


A "recent" memory from Kellogg leads you to discover how to gain access to the institute? So Virgil has been hiding in the Glowing Sea for 60 years or so? And Kellogg had never once tried to track him down in all that time? What has he been doing? ANd how is it that Nick remembers Kellogg having a child with him in a rented apartment from 60 years ago? How long has he been in Diamond City?


Where is this network of magical informants that give the various factions info on when and where the Gen 3 Synths are being smuggled about? Why is it that you can run around and randomly butcher BoS, Railroad agents and 4 Gen 3's without a single soul caring?


The whole thing seems "jury rigged". It started of well with (groan) Presto Gravy and the bunch of lunatics, then on to introducing you to settlement management/construction with the Minutemen., but it seemed like that was all they had in the writing pool.


And don't even get me started on the DLC's! They were straight out stolen from FO3's! New Vegas had probably the best writing I've seen for Bugthesda title, and the DLC's were totally awesome!

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  • 2 weeks later...


A "recent" memory from Kellogg leads you to discover how to gain access to the institute? So Virgil has been hiding in the Glowing Sea for 60 years or so? And Kellogg had never once tried to track him down in all that time? What has he been doing? ANd how is it that Nick remembers Kellogg having a child with him in a rented apartment from 60 years ago? How long has he been in Diamond City?



Oh lord. Every time someone writes something along these lines they're just embarrassing themselves.


Kellogg had the synth Shaun at DC as a lure, not the human Shaun. It was extremely recent to the played game. This is all laid out very well in-game, if you can't bother to read terminals and pick up on hints and clues, maybe you shouldn't expose your flawed theories to the public.

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