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ENB Crashing on Start Up


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Alright guys, I'm sure this has come up multiple times but scouring the board for answers hasn't yielded much success for me when trying fixes other folks have done. First and foremost, I'm an absolute newb when it comes to modding. I follow instructions word for word, and that's about as far as my knowledge goes. lol


So onto the problem here. I'm aware that NVIDIA's latest driver's post Anniverserry pretty much screwed running New Vegas. So I did what a good chunk of people did and just rolled back to an earlier driver. That absolutely worked for getting Vanilla (with all DLC) to run perfectly fine and without any issues (yaaaaaay). However, it's when I try to move onto installing any ENB that I get an outright crash on start up of the game from the initial menu where you can configure things (such as anti-aliasing and what not).


Now, I've followed the instructions of pretty much every ENB tutorial I've come across. That includes...


1) Downloading the proper binaries and putting them into my New Vegas root folder (not Data).

2) Downloading the files for the ENB I want (I really want to run Oxide, I just love the updated look).

3) Turning off AA and AF.

4) Run game.


The moment I run the game after turning off AA and AF, I get a black screen and the game crashes immediately. I don't get start up and magic text in the upper left hand corner.


I'd think the latest NVAC would help except I went to the earlier Drivers, so the NVIDIA bug shouldn't be an issue anymore. I can download any other series of mods (minus ENB binaries and an ENB) and the game will start up/run just fine.


Am I missing something here folks?


Things of key note.


I do NOT have NV4GB yet (not sure if I have to have it for running the ENB or not as it's not listed as a required file). I HAVE tried running ENB both with and without NVSE (same crash regardless).


Any help would be much appreciated guys. Seriously, I love NV, nexus has been nothing but an awesome resource, and I'd love to bring my game up to date with all the bells and whistles that comes with ENBs.


For a system note, I run Skyrim (DLC) with ENB and multiple graphics overhaul mods without any issue (maintain a solid 50-60fps throughout the whole deal). So my computer itself shouldn't be the actual issue as far as hardware goes.


Thanks again folks!

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1. Assume you had a stable game with no problems prior to installing ENB? (ENB will only exaggerate an already wonky game.)

2. The November 2016 Win10 system updates have reportedly fixed the problems with the latest video drivers. (Though I do not recommend updating video drivers unless necessary to fix a particular problem.) The "New Vegas Anti-Crash" (NVAC) mod as of v7.5.0.0 (released 25 Oct 2016) has been reported to fix the conflict with the latest video drivers from nVidia and AMD. Install the system and NVAC updates regardless.

3. While FNV4GB is not required for ENB, without it you are only getting to use 2GB of your system RAM. This is limitation of 32-bit games which FNV4GB gets around. ENB needs space to perform it's "post-processing" magic, so you really do want to give it all the memory you can. With FNV4GB installed it is no longer restricted to contending with the game for space in the same 2GB arena. Recommend you strip out your current ENB and Pre-set files, and install this version of FNV4GB. Note FNV4GB also loads NVSE automatically if it is present. See this entry in the "Fallout NV Mod Conflict Troubleshooting" guide regarding applying the "Sheson memory patch" to NVSE and enabling the game error log. Only once you get it running with the game stable should you proceed to installing ENB.

4. For similar reasons you want to also use ENBoost, which is a separate, standalone component of the ENBSeries. This will give your video card more system RAM (outside of the game's memory) for texture rendering with the higher resolutions I expect are the reason you want ENB in the first place. See this entry in the "Fallout NV Mod Conflict Troubleshooting" guide.


5. Now you are ready to install ENB itself. Following instructions without understanding will only get you so far (as you've found). Suggest you start reading from here through the remaining ENB sections of the "Mod Conflict" guide first. There is also a tip there for FNV4GB users who plan on installing ENB. Then see if you don't have more luck with the supplemental installation instructions there.


[Edit: added missing link.]



Edited by dubiousintent
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